Want to overcome the impossible in Forza Horizon 5 without even trying? Players exploring the vast Mexican map have discovered a loophole that allows players to earn the Unbeatable Triumph making it child's play. This achievement challenges you to complete 6 different racing events against Drivatars of unbeatable difficulty. This is the highest difficulty in the game, and these runners are truly unbeatable. You will have to repeat the tracks over and over again to stand a chance.
Or, at least, you would. The new Eventlab feature saves Unbeatable Triumph eminently beatable. Perhaps one of the most beatable things in history. With the right settings, you don't even have to try. This is not an exploit or a cheat, and can be done directly through Eventlab functionality without any issues with bugs. It really works and players have been sharing their knowledge while the game is in Early Access.
This feature is so powerful that you might want to go ahead and unlock Unbeatable Triumph now. Who knows, the developers might change their minds and disable this handy trick.
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How to Crush UNBEATABLE Drivatars
Unbeatable Drivatars are almost perfect racing machines. To unlock one of the hardest achievements in the game, you'll need to beat 6 different races against unbeatable Drivatars. It's almost impossible unless you're a true driving legend. You can face the toughest legit level, or you can completely cheat.
To make this challenge ridiculously easy, just try this method using the Event Lab functionality.
- Compete in any road race that Circuit.
- Open the Plan d’EventLab et create a new event.
- To car type, select everything is fine
- To Performance class, select Open
Next, we need to calibrate the settings for the perfect race – which we can easily beat.
- Go to Eventlab Settings — it's in the same screen where we can test / publish the event.
- Open Eventlab Settings et set the difficulty of Drivatar à Unbeatable.
- Adjust Maximum number of drivatars à DISABLED.
- Adjust Duration à 1 minutes.
To confirm sound Eventlab Settings and give it a name. Publish the event, then Starting race to start. The race will last a few seconds and then end. You will automatically win. It doesn't matter which car you choose. Why does this happen? Because you define the Maximum number of drivatars on OFF - there are no runners except you! Because you are the only runner, you will automatically win the race. It's that simple and makes unlocking extremely difficult" Unbeatable Triumph"Very easy to make.
- Unbeatable Triumph (30 GS): Win 6 different racing events against unbeatable Drivatars.
You can also try searching EventLab for events created like this. This amazing method was shared by Maka91Productions on Youtube, and credited to rNxth and xXx B1GBR1T xXx at TrueAchievements.com.