The FIFA 23 game is finally out, this is the last opus to be developed by EA studios. While waiting to know the future of the series, players can take advantage of this new release and in particular discover a whole host of new features that bring a breath of fresh air to the license, from dribbling to shooting.
Whether you are used to playing FIFA games or you are just starting out, you will have to go through an intensive training phase if you want to be able to compete with other players online. Especially with all the changes and features added to FIFA 23. To help you improve your game and become a real football pro, we have some tips and tricks for you to check out now!
Tip 1 – If you have extra FIFA points, play drafts:
Instead of spending your FIFA Points in the store to get packs, play games in drafts instead. You'll get a lot more out of the points you spend using this method, especially if you're good and can climb from the second to the fourth lap. You'll earn packs that are worth far more credits than if you had spent your FIFA Points in the in-game store!
Tip 2 – You can launch a powerful new strike and here is how:
If you are looking to make a devastating strike towards the opposing nets, know that FIFA 23 introduces a new system of powerful strikes also called “Power Shoot”. You can very simply perform this action by pressing the L1 + R1 + Circle (PlayStation) or LB + RB + B (Xbox) keys, making sure to orient your joystick correctly towards your opponent's goals so as not to send the ball crush anywhere. Such a strike is very difficult for a goalkeeper to receive even if the player takes control of it.
Tip 3 – Avoid making the mistake of buying only one player at a time!
When you have enough credits, you might be tempted to spend them on a single player (considered a soccer superstar). It is a mistake, initially it is better to invest in several players for a better profit in the long term. You will be able to ensure that your batch of players is ultimately worth double or even triple the credits you have invested. Then allowing you to invest in the biggest names in football.
☆ Note – Don't forget to check FIFA 23 Season Start Top Player Rankings here: Top 100 Best Players To Build Your Dream Team In FIFA 23 Game.
Tip 4 – Work on your dribbling technique in FIFA 23:
The traditional dribble is somewhat different in this opus, especially on the next-gen versions. A new type is emerging, called the technical dribble, which takes some getting used to. Stick jerks won't yield good results, instead rotate the left analog stick slowly to take advantage of the new dribbling mechanics and smooth out your player's movement on the pitch. Don't forget also the big bridge technique by doing a double R1 (PlayStation) or RB (Xbox).
Tip 5 – How to juggle the ball several times:
In FIFA 23 you can perform a whole bunch of techniques, from beginner to advanced level which requires some practice. A very simple gesture to do in the game is to juggle the ball on the spot. You can do this by holding the L2 button and successively pressing the R1 button on PlayStation or by pressing LT and repeatedly pressing RB if you are playing with an Xbox controller.
Tip 6 – Technique to quickly make a maximum of credits:
Very soon, you will feel the need to earn a lot of coins while playing FIFA 23. You can earn a lot of coins by simply selling your coaches. They are generally above the lot on the market and resell at a very good price. If you're looking to earn coins fast in FIFA 23, you should consider this!
Tip 7 – Perform an advanced move to feint the opponent:
We have seen previously how it was possible to juggle very easily. Here is a more advanced technique that will allow you to feint the opposing player in front of you! Start by holding the L1 button (or LB on Xbox) then flick the right joystick to the right then to the left and repeat the gesture successively to pass the ball from left to right at your feet while moving forward to disrupt the player which is in front of you.