God of War Ragnarok is now available. Since Wednesday, November 9, 2022, you have the opportunity to discover the new adventures of Kratos and Atreus exclusively on PS4 and PS5. With this new opus, the Santa Monica teams provide the missing link in Nordic history. To allow you to properly experience the Ragnarok that is preparing in the nine realms, we have prepared some tips and tricks for you to keep in the back of your mind when you play. This will allow you to start your adventure well.
Tip 1 – Succeed in instantly killing an enemy:
As you travel through the different realms, you'll come across a variety of enemies to fight, from the weakest to the most formidable. Some of them can very quickly cause problems and prove to be more resistant or more mobile than others. To overcome this problem, you can try to eject the enemy in question outside the limits of the map. If an enemy falls from a cliff, or slips into water for example, he will die instantly without possibility of return. This also goes for monsters flying overhead. If a group of enemies are causing you problems in your adventure, then try to send some of them outside the limits of the environment.
Tip 2 – get rid of Bifrost easily:
The Bifrost is an alteration of state of Ragnarok which can very quickly become painful. If an enemy sticks Bifrost on you, part of your character's health bar will turn purple. On the next hit, you'll take damage equal to the purple portion on your health gauge. Suffice to say that a confrontation can very quickly turn into a disaster in God of War Ragnarok when you undergo this state alteration. However, there is a simple method to get rid of them in an instant. Just pick up a healing item from the ground! If you are a victim of Bifrost, look around you to see if there is any healing lying around. In the absence of healing items, be aware that the Bifrost also heals naturally over time, but you still have to not take a bad hit before that happens.
Tip 3 – Find even more materials through your surroundings:
In God of War Ragnarok, you need to find many resources to upgrade different Kratos equipment. If bosses and chests are a good source of materials in the game, the environment also allows you to recover them. Take a good look, some plants or other elements can be destroyed. If you do, they will drop valuable materials at your feet that will allow you to boost Kratos' stats at Brok and Sindri's workshops.
Tip 4 – Your aiming reticle puts you on the right track:
The game will very often put you in front of puzzles to solve. If it is not always obvious to find the right solution at first glance, your Atreus or Mimir companions will often put you on the way by giving you certain key information verbally. Another method is to look at the aiming reticle. Very often, when you point your weapon to throw it at an element of the decor, you can see that it lights up, allowing you to understand that you can interact with the target in question that you have flown over while aiming. It's a good start to understanding how you can solve the riddle that stands in your way!
Tip 5 – Kratos can turn around quickly:
In combat, you will quickly notice that the field of vision of this good old Kratos is quite limited. He has trouble seeing what's on his left and right flanks and it's even harder for him to tell if an enemy is behind him. For the player too it is something difficult, because of the placement of the camera which is very close to the character. Fortunately, the developers have thought of sound indicators (your companions in this case) and visual indicators... Know that if an enemy attacks you from behind, you don't have to roll to dodge or run against meaning. You can simply turn around in order to destabilize your opponent with a shield hit. To quickly turn around and rotate your character 180°, simply press the "L1 + down directional cross" button.
Tip 6 – Enable the auto-pickup option:
At the end of certain confrontations, you will see objects appear on the ground, sometimes in excess. It can be tiring to always have to press the action key to pick up all those items. If you take a look in the game settings, you will find an option that will allow you to activate automatic pickup. By activating it, Kratos will automatically pick up everything on the ground! Note that if on the way you forget objects, you will necessarily find them in a chest near the dwarves' forge. To activate the option, go to "settings / gameplay" and activate the "automatic collection" line.
Tip 7 – Use your environment in combat:
In the areas where you have to fight, you will often find destructible objects that can create an explosion, useful for inflicting damage on enemies who are caught in the radius of action. But not only that, Kratos can tear off elements from the decor to use as a weapon or throw rocks at enemies. Learn to recognize those elements in your environment that can be very useful in combat and give you the advantage.
Tip 8 – Red, blue or yellow circle how to react:
God of War Ragnarok's fights can quickly become very complex. There are many compositions of enemies and you have to manage to remember all the combos that Kratos can use with the Leviathan ax and the blades of chaos. Not to mention that Atreus can shoot elemental arrows at enemies. And as if that weren't enough, the game regularly puts you in front of red, blue or yellow circles that can appear when your opponent performs a certain action. If the circle is red, do not take any risks since it is an unstoppable attack that you will take full force.
Faced with this action, dodging is the best response. If the circle is yellow, make a parry with your shield to destabilize the enemy and increase its stun gauge. Your opponent's guard will be wide open allowing you to execute a series of blows. If the circle is blue, you must shield your opponent by pressing the L1 button twice in a row. If you wait too long to do so, the monster you are fighting will initiate a powerful attack that may cause you some trouble. Learn to recognize color circles so you know how to react when they occur.