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The Foggernaut is a class that is fairly underrepresented and yet full of potential! So discover the power of the disciples of Octapodass, and above all learn to master it!
The Foggernaut is a class that is fairly underrepresented and yet full of potential, its versatility is clearly a strength: placing, hitting hard, debuffing, summoning, healing, ... but it's also its weak point. Indeed, the Foggernaut may be quite good at everything, that includes that it does not excel at anything! He won't hit harder than a damage dealer, heal harder than a real healer, or even place as well as a real usher!
The editorial team has prepared a special Jeudi'Stuff for you to go along with this guide, so check it out!
Presentation of spells - Page 1
Gameplay - Page 2
The Steamer
The Foggernaut plays on a single big mechanism: that of the Turrets. There are 3 different ones, with a variety of spells that can interact with them. Let's see it together:
Turrets and utility spells
La Harpooner is your offensive turret. For 1 AP and a fairly large range (because it can be modified), you can summon this big harpoon which will strike three times (6 AP, 2 AP per strike) at 7 Range the entities on which it will strike the hardest, and this entity can be an ally ! It will therefore be necessary to manage his placement as well as yours well so that this spell does not turn against you. The striking element of the Harpooner is defined by the latter, it will choose the one that strikes the hardest. However, you can force her to type in a specific element thanks to spells that we will see later.
La Guardian is your defensive turret. For 3 AP and between 3 and 8 AP, she will heal three entities within her range, which is 6 AP (6 AP, 2 AP per treatment). Just like the Harpooner, she can heal enemies so be careful! The heal has a line on the target's max HP, and one on your Foggernaut's intelligence. The Guardian's healing priority is quite random...
La Tactile is your placement turret. For 2 AP and 8 non-modifiable Range, it pushes back 2 squares (1 diagonally) all entities within 2 Range of it. The tactirelle can attract thanks to its Magnetor state: it is activated by the spell Telescope, and deactivated by spell Anchoring. The touchstone pushes (or pulls) once per turn, unless it uses its transposition (which we will see later).
NOTE: Turrets can be pushed/pulled, but cannot be teleported or transposed in any way. It's the exact opposite of the Cawwot!

Evolution is the Foggernaut's primary spell. On an ally, it gives 150 power. But on a turret, it allows you to heal it completely and evolve it so that it is better at everything it does, as well as unlocking the special spells of the turrets. These spells only have two uses per turn but have no range limit, and no line of sight!
- Level 1: Nothing in particular
- Level 2: Tap a little harder
- Level 3: Tap even harder, and unlock the special Harpooner spell.
Special spell: For 2 AP, the Harpooner throws a shark at an enemy in the state Ambush wherever it is on the map. This shark hits hard and removes a bewitching round from the target.
- Level 1: Nothing in particular
- Level 2: Heals a little more
- Level 3: Heals even more, and unlocks the special spell of the Guardian.
Special spell: For 2AP, the Guardian launches a big heal on an ally in the state Rescuer wherever it is on the map. This treatment is indexed to max HP (20%?).
- Level 1: Grows 2 spaces, at 2 Range
- Level 2: Grows 4 spaces, at 4 Range
- Level 3: Pushes 6 squares, to 6 Range and unlocks the special Tactirelle spell.
Special spell: For 1 AP, the Tactirelle teleports with the entity in the state Telescope (ally) or short view (enemy) wherever she is on the map. In general, the Tactirelle adopts the following behavior: it teleports, and pushes. In the case of multiple teleports, the first target is always the closest, and the turret always pushes last.
NOTE: A turret in evolution 3 reverts to evolution 1 if you evolve another turret. Passing a turret in evolution 3 passes all the other turrets in evolution 1.
Aspiration is a mobility spell: it allows you to pull yourself to a turret. Very practical, but be careful because a loss of range can greatly reduce its effectiveness!

Second mobility spell, Tide really is a very versatile spell!
Blade breaker is your class spell. To be cast on a turret, it allows you to apply the Soul Break state to entities (allies and enemies alike) in close combat with the targeted turret. An entity in the Soul Break state sees the damage received in melee transferred to the previously targeted turret. Excellent defensive spell, it allows you to dodge the powerful Anger of Iop, for example.
Salt Armor provides ranged damage reduction on target ally. If this target is a turret, then it goes into the state Immovable. This spell has multiple applications: combo with Blade breaker, block a passage or a line of sight, tank a slightly too dangerous Rekop, ... to be used without moderation!
Spacesuit is an area boost spell around the caster. It increases damage and thrust damage, and gives you an MP as soon as an attempt is made to remove an AP from allies affected by a spacesuit (up to 4 MP).
Single-target healing spell that activates the special spell of the Guardian.
Breastplate prevents allies from taking damage from the Harpooner and the movements of the Tactile, enemies to be healed by the Guardian. This spell is particularly useful for optimizing his turrets, especially when he is in an area.
Strike spells
Ambush is an excellent hit spell that activates the Harpooner special spell. Thus, for 4 AP you do colossal damage if your turret is advanced!
On an ally, Telescope increases its range by 3 (without hitting it) and applies the state short view. On an enemy, this spell inflicts water damage and applies the state Telescope. On a Tactirelle, applies the Magnetor state. As you will have understood, this spell is used to interact with the Tactirelle, the operation of which was explained above.
Foam hits Water in a line and on three squares, pushes targets back 1 square, inflicts no damage on allies, and forces the Harpooner to hit in the Water element.
Current pulls the target 4 squares diagonally and Water hits it if it's an enemy.
Anchoring hits the target, unless it's a Harpooner. In this case it imposes the Earth element as a striking element.
Nothing special about Surf, it's a good placement spell to repel an enemy, but also to strike against a wall and especially coupled with Foéne (below).
Foéne is a strike spell that imposes the Earth element on the Harpooner without causing any damage. This spell also has the particularity of inflicting an additional line of Earth damage each time the target receives thrust damage. Do you see all the possible combos with Ressac, Écume, Liberation and Tactirelle? The Dopple also allows you to do colossal damage, since one of its main spells is Foam.
Steam is a Fire strike spell in area and in line, it imposes the Fire element on the Harpooner without hitting it.
saltpeter is a single-target Fire strike spell, it imposes the Fire element on the Harpooner without hitting it. An enemy hit by Saltpâtre sees its damage reduced for each fire damage received (3 stacks max).
buccaneer is a single target Fire strike spell and diagonal lifesteal, it imposes the Fire element on the Harpooner by striking it (to allow you to reign over it). It is especially the theft of life that is interesting on this spell.