ankama, dofus, sacri, air, agility, pvp, esport, stuff, resistance, presentation, Thursday, equipment
After a very criticized earth iop last week, today we will focus on the Air / Res stuff that is popular at the moment. This stuff is not dedicated to a class but we will see that it is more interesting on certain classes.
Air / Res mode:
The advantages of the Air path are the tackle and the escape, two precious allies in PvPm. The recent Air items from the abyss bring us a lot of characteristics and resistances. Thus the Palmes Trithons and the Indescribable Cloak go perfectly with a double item Lucky Valet whose panoply bonus brings us a lot of Air stats and Air damage. Add to that a Menoture for the gain of Pa and an essential Alliance Gloursonne. This stuff offers a lot of resistance and good dodging, not to mention damage that your enemies will not be able to ignore! The set can be used on almost any class that can afford to play single-element Air, but it will be able to express its full potential on specific classes: Sacrier, Ecaflip, Sram, Ouginak, Eliotrope.
The alternatives
You can adapt this stuff accordingly. Thus a Dorabysses will bring you more damage and decrease your resistance. For even more damage and summons, get Allister's Crown. If, on the contrary, the resistances are not enough, don't panic: you can always change your Manthache for a Shovel of the Dark Court. You can also sacrifice some of your damage trophies for resistances and easily reach 50% in the 4 elements. However, you are strongly advised not to part with your Emerald Dofus, as it is powerful on Sacrier. And if by the greatest of misfortunes you need a good cac within range (which is very rare in the air route) we will recommend an Air Forgemage Fridgestine Wand, but it must be exceptional, it is not worth the ax or the shovel.
List of items not mentioned: Glove of the Lucky Jack, Necklace of the Lucky Jack, Dreggon Helmet
Statistics, strengths and weaknesses
The strong points:
- 5000 in vitality and almost 40% resistances in all elements: tanking is excellent
- Good damage which is too rarely compatible with good resistances
- The escape and the tackle are monstrous, Air way obliges
- Pa / Pm dodges are very correct without being crazy
The weak spots:
- Few crits, which is not necessarily synonymous with weakness in PvP
- Only 2 invocations, and still it takes an exo!
- Initiative too average
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