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Page 1 - Contents
To you the opti stuffs, latest fashion too classy and other overpriced Sushivan.
Before getting to the heart of the matter, you need to know two things. First, do not expect to find a miracle method here. Each of these tricks requires time, there is no miracle technique allowing you to become rich by snapping your fingers... If you want to become a billionaire, you have to give yourself time, there is no secret!
Second, the best way to make kamas is to combine all the techniques. If you manage to do a little of each trick, you will already be a lot less bored because the repetition will be less, but your versatility in terms of sales will be rewarded with a fruitful trade.
I ) Safe techniques (Page 2)
- Treasure hunts
- Breeding
- The drop & the successes
- Collectors
- The nuggets
- Trades
- Rare monster hunter
- Secondary currencies
II ) Techniques that carry risks (Page 3)
- Smithmagic
- Breaking
- The speculation
III ) False good ideas (Page 4)
- Farm a trick
- Gold offers
- Mercenary
- Inter-server trade
- Become a streamer or youtuber