Diablo Immortal is a game that has a number of resources and currencies that players collect throughout their adventure. Among the currencies that are important in the game, we find the Incuses which are obtained mainly as rewards from the codex, in particular by completing the levels of the challenges of conquest (in the categories world and PvP combat) and by completing achievements.
The first hours of your adventure, you will certainly wonder what use these Incuses can be given that no merchant you have met so far accepts them as currency. To spend your Incuses, you'll need to progress far enough in the story until you've completed Ashvale Cemetery to be able to travel to the town of Westmarch.
★ Tip 1 – You can collect bonus Incuses by checking the server ranking. When players complete a certain level of the Probation Rift, you can open a chest that offers first time rewards to everyone on the server. Don't forget to collect those bonus rewards which include a source of Incuses and Gold!
How to spend Incuses in Diablo Immortal, where the Incuses merchant is located:
As explained earlier, you'll find him in Westmarch. In the current version of the game, the map bugs a bit and sometimes shows that the Incuses merchant is in Rakkis Square, which is false information. The Merchant is at the very north of Westmarch to the right of the Palace Courtyard and right next to the Immortals Overlook Belay.

The Incuses merchant (who is actually called Lieutenant Fizriah) is really important, he will allow you to get legendary equipment for your character. But not only that, it also offers legendary emblems, useful aspirant keys to open chests in the sanctuary of Iben Fahd or even simple charms. All are obtained by spending Incuses knowing that a weekly limit applies, let's not forget that Diablo Immortal is a Free to Play.
★ Tip 2 – When you join the immortals, you will have access to a new source of Incuses and Lieutenant Fizriah will offer you new goods only available to players who have joined the immortals.