Leon is therefore back to pick up Ashley, the president's daughter who has been kidnapped by the evil Saddler, leader of the Spanish sect of the Illuminados. We therefore find with joy all the characters who had made the success of the episode. Salazar is still just as annoying, Ada Wong still just as sexy in her side slit dress, and the adventure stays true to the original version. Where the novelty lies is in the graphics. The episode is in HD 1080p with a mandatory Vsync that will limit you to 60 fps, allowing you to better appreciate the reworked textures. The difference is really visible, especially since an optimization in 16/9 format and a smoothing of the text font quite easily pass the visual pill of retrogaming. Moreover, this graphic facelift will not deprive you of one of the advantages of the passion of our Marcus National, since the game runs on less powerful machines. Downloadable on Steam, Resident Evil 4: Ultimate HD also has all of Valve's marketing package with Achievements (12 in total), Cloud synchronization, Steam Trading Cards, global leaderboards, etc. Moreover, the game has been completely adapted to keyboard-mouse controls for PC hardcores who refuse to use an Xbox 360 controller. Like what, Capcom has thought of everything. Content level we are dealing with the Motherload as Duke Nukem would say, since the game includes all the content of the previous versions including the bonuses of the time, a bit like the Separate Ways epilogue released for the PS2 version.
Very well !
Gameplay level, nothing has changed, the game is identical. Léon always responds to the finger and the eye, even if we still prefer to go through a controller to play, the QTEs being easier to achieve for example. All the elements are present: from the briefcase (which is frantically put away to make room) to an additional incendiary grenade, through the jewels and other relics to collect during the adventure before reselling everything to the merchant for some cash. The weapon upgrade system is still just as nice and allows you to customize your gun at will. Moreover, for those who manage to finish the game, the "Assignment Ada" and "Mercenaries" modes are still present, just to do some scoring in the quick game. Fans are not forgotten since all the little tricks are present, such as destroying the cocoon of Salazar's castle to recover as many gems as possible. Of course, the favorite feature of our Editor-in-Chief, Maxime Chao, is still present, namely that when Leon cuts Ashley short, a subtle camera movement allows you to see the young woman's panties under her skirt.