When Resident Evil 4 was released in 2005 on GameCube, we already felt that the new adventures of Leon S. Kennedy represented a decisive turning point in the series. With gameplay that had undeniably grown in flexibility at the time, it would have been difficult for the developers at Capcom to backtrack on delivering a Resident Evil 5 as stiff as a stick. An implacable logic that the followers of the brand may regret, since the game clearly denies the psalms that have made the series the reference in terms of survival horror. We still managed to perceive some reminiscences four years earlier, now it's definitely dead. With Resident Evil 5, Jun Takeuchi and his troops have gone much further than simply killing zombies, dilating heroes' anuses, and QTEs that make it impossible to sip a glass of blood during cut scenes. Here, we will now have to discuss the influence that Gears of War had on the gameplay of the title, the level design now unable to panic the player with a creature hidden in the corner of a dark room, these monsters that have become AK-47 fans, and environments where flora has clearly taken over concrete. A revolution that will inevitably leave traces, but that does not prevent Resident Evil 5 from being an excellent title. And then, not everything was thrown in the trash either since the scenario still includes many elements that will allow the elders to quickly find their marks.
Africa is chic
The story of Resident Evil 5 takes place in Africa, the cradle of humanity where Chris Redfield and Sheva Alomar - the two main characters of the game members of the Bio-Terrorism Security Assessment Alliance - will be confronted with the origins of the Progenitor virus discovered by Ozwell E. Spencer, the founder of the pharmaceutical company Umbrella Corporation. The latter, dismantled six years after the events in Raccoon City, is no longer the focus since the new biological power in Resident Evil 5 is called TriCell. This continues in the shadows all the experiments carried out by the Umbrella Corporation since the 60s, which explains the presence of infrequent creatures in the vicinity of Kijuju. In addition to having to unravel the mystery of the presumed death of his ex-teammate Jill Valentine, Chris will therefore have to lend a hand to Sheva to put an end to the Machiavellian plans of the TriCell company. On the casting side, Resident Evil 5 offers new faces as one might expect. We obviously think of Ricardo Irving and his carnivorous laughter, but also of Excella Gionne who removes her underwear in the last chapter. We won't even try to put you to sleep by claiming that the scenario is exceptional, but it still has the merit of reserving a few memorable moments visually speaking; we let you discover them. You will have probably already understood, do not expect nuclear twists with Resident Evil 5 which has great difficulty in surprising, and fails to impose charismatic heroes. Handsome but way too slick, Redfield wasn't stung by rage, while his partner Alomar looks like he was hired to bring a little feminine touch to Resident Evil 5.
You will no doubt have already understood that you should not expect nuclear twists with Resident Evil 5, which has a lot of trouble surprising, and fails to impose charismatic heroes.
As much as Resident Evil 4 had burst the retinas on GameCube at the time of its marketing, as much Resident Evil 5 does not necessarily impose itself as artistic evidence; Gears of War 2, Dead Space or even Killzone 2 have already been there. This does not detract from the quality of the realization of the game which remains magnificent. For the first time in the series, the outdoor environments are significantly more numerous than the endless corridors in which we used to get lost until now. The different African landscapes are well done, with homes where the crimes committed by the virus are almost palpable. The details are numerous on the screen, even if we would have liked a much more convincing control of climatic variations. It is true that we benefit from a few drops of rain in "The sector of the executions" and from a demonic sky in "The main bridge", but it is clear that the wind was much more respected in 2005. We is still entitled to a few castings of concrete in the game, and even to more modern infrastructures which remind us that the Umbrella Corporation and TriCell do not sell cakes of earth. A great classic for a Resident Evil 5 which, however, lacks imagination when you take the time to scrutinize certain levels. One thinks in particular of that of the "Cultural place" whose architecture is reminiscent of the ruins where Leon S. Kennedy had to get rid of the infamous Jack Krauser in Resident Evil 4. Ditto for the level "The marshes" which refers directly to the large body of water where we had to face a kind of giant worm which represented the very first boss of the previous opus. Finally, we could also mention the scaffolding through which the sniper is as effective as in Spain. In short, even if it presents some visual ideas of its own, Resident Evil 5 sometimes takes on the appearance of a high-definition update that is not necessarily unpleasant, but which tends towards deja vu.
"Bush Atmosphere"
Where the Capcom developers have done well, however, is in the character design, at the center of which Chris and Sheva appear as essential models. Almost all the weapons that the guy has in his inventory are on his combat gear. It depends on the heaviness of the equipment more exactly, but a rocket launcher will always protrude from the pocket. While Chris displays a build that suggests that creatine has found a new follower, Sheva displays a few curves close to those of a Hale Berry so as not to deviate from the skin color. A femininity hidden under a military trellis: difficult to fantasize. It is also difficult not to mention the bestiary of Resident Evil 5 which is full of rare cases dear to Spencer. All are from the thigh of the Progenitor virus, with all the variants one comes to know from reading the notes strewn on the road. We still have a weakness for monsters that wield the AK-47 better than the soldiers of Call of Duty. More seriously, the bosses of Resident Evil 5 command respect, especially the first of the sixth chapter which literally bursts the screen through striking light effects. The richness of textures and the multiplication of effects transport Resident Evil into a new era, it is undeniable.
The different African landscapes are well done, with homes where the crimes committed by the virus are almost palpable.
The emergence of new standards reinforces the archaism of Resident Evil 5 in certain aspects. This probably explains the presence of a type B configuration which stands out with the addition of strafe via the right analog stick, thus allowing lateral movements as in any FPS. But the impossibility of shooting while walking remains a heavy handicap which Resident Evil 5 – and the entire series – has not yet been able to get rid of. Jun Takeuchi had pointed out at the 2008 Tokyo Game Show that what everyone described as outdated allowed, on the contrary, to maintain pressure on the shoulders of the players, who never knew in advance which side the monster was going to emerge from. That is. The concern is that Resident Evil is no longer a survival horror since 2005, with enemies attacking in waves instead of placing subtle but much more deadly fang blows. In other words, the argument of the producer of Capcom was valid at the time when the level design was not doped on steroids and did not require slamming three magazines in thirty seconds. We would even tend to say that it creates an imbalance in situations where we find ourselves surrounded by a horde of creatures, which quickly makes the game painful and indigestible; especially in Veteran. In addition to the strafe therefore, the gameplay of Resident Evil 5 also inaugurates a whole new system of cover via Carré which lacks great flexibility. Even if it is possible to reload your gun without getting exposed, it is less intuitive than what is done among neighboring Locusts, especially since it is not allowed to shoot blindly; as if Capcom was afraid of being accused of plagiarism.
Seek & destroy
For the rest, the title does not reserve any major novelty likely to raise the crowds. The map - accessible by pressing R2 - seems to have gained in clarity; logical, since it no longer indicates either the checkpoints or the merchants who have been dismissed, and is content to display the drop point with a yellow cursor. To execute a quick U-turn, B or Circle + Left Analog Stick down still works great. The camera, placed at Chris Redfield's shoulders, offers a shooting precision that saves his bullets effectively. To unbalance the opponent quickly enough, it is the knees and the shins that we will have to slaughter first. The matter becomes significantly more complicated when dealing with creatures equipped with knee pads, leggings and even a helmet, but the eternal striking force of the shotgun represents an excellent recourse in this case. Hand-to-hand combat is also a weapon that can be relied on to eliminate an enemy that is too cumbersome: depending on the part of the body hit with a firearm, Chris and Sheva can follow up with a right, a hook, an uppercut , or even a spinning sidekick that have gained enough power to no longer be stored in the closet. Like Resident Evil 4, each eliminated enemy will generally leave behind some ammunition, a few shields or herbs to save the player from exploring every corner of a level for hours. Either way, Resident Evil 5 hates back and forth and always urges forward; at no time during the game must you retrace your steps. Claustrophobes will no doubt be in heaven, but it must be recognized that getting from point A to point B without asking the slightest question is rather a first in the history of the series.
The system of boxes required according to the size of an item has been abandoned in favor of a much simpler organization: one object per box.
Inventory management no longer works the same way in Resident Evil 5. The system of boxes required according to the size of an item has been abandoned in favor of a much simpler organization: one object per box. A shotgun will thus take up as much space as ammunition for the sniper; everything is clearer. Naturally, we find ourselves quite quickly with 36 weapons on our person, without really knowing which one to keep in the main list, so much we had never been used to so much kindness until now. But since all privilege has a counterpart, moments of calm are rare in Resident Evil 5, even in Amateur where panic exists. There will always be two or three monsters ready to bite into a jugular hidden deep in the forest, believe us. In addition, some creatures will not forgive the slightest error of judgment like the chainsaw man, and will cause a Game Over with a single blow of the blade, teeth or legs. Which makes us say that the selection of weapons, if not essential, still represents an important step that can greatly facilitate the task later. The other novelty brought by Resident Evil 5 lies in the life bar of the characters which is now divided into two parts. The first, classic, is consumed as Chris or Sheva suffers bodily damage. Once this level is exhausted, we then enter a critical phase - which occupies a quarter circle of the vital gauge - where the character is no longer able to defend himself on his own. A rapid intervention of his partner to get back on his feet is essential, especially since the level of health inexorably decreases as long as first aid has not been given. Suffice to say that when you find yourself trapped in a corner with a dozen Lickers – the designated successors of the Hunters – as pets, it's done. This find from Capcom gives consistency to online cooperation which becomes a real hard drug in Resident Evil 5.
Black desire
Considering the unplayable game with an AI-controlled Sheva when deciding to make the hero a Veteran, it's a pure killer with a real player at his side in full screen. You can then set up real attack strategies and, above all, not fear that your partner will obstruct the field of vision when adjusting a creature. Because even if the shots are friendly in case you inadvertently target your teammate, they do not pass through your body. The game also offers the possibility of taking part in the adventure for two offline, but the charm is not the same. In fact, instead of respecting the ancestral rules of the split screen, Capcom has opted for two small windows arranged so that each player can concentrate on his avatar, without being disturbed by what is happening next. . If it's not great luxury, it's still better than an Alomar which is a real pain in automatic. We do not at all question his thoughtfulness as soon as Redfield is in agony, but we criticize his lack of intelligence in combat. Indeed, she tends to have a heavy hand on the trigger - even if she shows formidable precision - which forces the player to keep as much ammunition as possible on him. This defect can nevertheless become a quality, especially when it comes to targeting enemies who are far away. We are then surprised to see Sheva draw her sniper and distribute a few headshots to prove that she still has a brain. We just regret that she does not show a little more intelligence in hot moments, but it is undoubtedly a recurring fault among women.
Considering the unplayable game with an AI-controlled Sheva when deciding to make the hero a Veteran, it's a pure killer with a real player at his side in full screen."
Cooperation requires, the developers of Capcom have imagined some situations in which the two protagonists must operate in pairs (short-scale, jump with momentum, activation of switch …) but also separately. You really never lose sight of your partner, and you can even help him eliminate the enemies who block his way. An exhilarating mutual coverage which proves that cooperation is not an extra in Resident Evil 5. Resident Evil is no longer Resident Evil, but we must admit that all these little new features put together allow the game to reach a level quality in line with AAA products. QTEs are still required in this new episode, but are less demanding in Resident Evil 4. The difference is not obvious, but enough to notice that the reaction window is a little wider. Neophytes will appreciate, haters will cry foul. Capcom hasn't completely lowered its pants, however, since some epic oppositions - especially against the Troll - still require a prince's dexterity. The QTEs are also present in the fights against the local tribes, with the hunters who do not hesitate to launch their curare-coated arrows at the BSAA agents; an L1/LB + R1/RB is usually enough to dodge the projectile. Through Resident Evil 5, Capcom settles accounts with those who claimed - we were the first - that Resident Evil 4 was sorely lacking in challenge. Available from the outset, the "Veteran" mode will put more than one on their knees. For the less adventurous, it is possible to lower the degree of difficulty by selecting the current chapter. If you are at an intermediate save point, you will still have to start the chapter from the beginning. In Normal, Resident Evil 5 can be folded after fifteen hours of play to get your hands on Mercenaries mode. There, you will have to eliminate as many cannibals as possible with the weapons that you have improved during the quest. If the trader has indeed been fired, one can always make a few tweaks to their arsenal by improving their firepower, magazine size, success rate for executing a headshot, etc. as usual. If it will therefore be necessary to survive in Resident Evil 5, it will also be necessary to go on a treasure hunt to fill your pockets, and to obtain the grenade launcher, rocket launcher, electric baton, L. Hawk, S&W M29, SIG P226 and other Dragunov SVDs.