The observation may seem harsh, arbitrary and ruthless, but there is a moment when the truth must be told. Resident Evil 6 is above all a bad action game with regard to what is done in the competition, and the approximations seen in Resident Evil 5 do not forgive today. We especially think of the cover system which is just awful. The manipulation indeed requires that we twist our fingers in all directions, since we must first stick against the wall while maintaining LT / L2, then use the left stick to get our head out of the hideout, target the enemies with the right stick and finally shoot by pressing RT/R2. Misery. It is not known if the developers of Capcom have played at least once in their life at Gears of War, but you still have to have a hell of a pair to dare such a wobbly system in a title such as Resident Evil 6. It's simple: Chris Redfield's clearly action-oriented campaign quickly becomes unplayable, and even if it means taking free bullets in the ribs, we prefer to get rid of monsters like a butcher. As a result, we appreciate that the AI shows a crazy softness, which allows us to get by without too much damage. It's still crazy to see the creatures rushing at the teammate, when they should realize that their knees are being shot, just to the right of their field of vision. No need to mention the level of difficulty to justify such ineptitude: whether in Amateur, Normal, Professional or even Veteran, a moron remains a moron in Resident Evil 6. Under these conditions, there is also no need to rack your brains to implement any tactic. All you have to do is find a shelter not too badly located and puncture the skulls by handfuls, without changing hideouts. For the challenge, we will come back.
The observation may seem harsh, arbitrary and ruthless, but there is a moment when the truth must be told. Resident Evil 6 is above all a bad action game with regard to what is done in the competition, and the approximations seen in Resident Evil 5 don't forgive today."
However, not everything is to be thrown away and the game is full of some good ideas. Dynamic inventory management (sewn from Dead Space), for example, which has the advantage of not interrupting the action and keeping the player under pressure. It must be recognized that we gain in playing comfort, since it is no longer necessary to go through the menus to select a weapon or nibble a grass. A simple pressure on the directional cross now allows access to the different items, knowing that you will have to press up or down to grab a grenade or a spray. On this subject, it is necessary to proceed in a completely different way to treat his wounds in Resident Evil 6, although there is always a way to combine herbs, the old fashioned way. In fact, the operation now takes place in two stages: first prepare its mixtures, before validating them so that they become health tablets. A cachet is equivalent to a square of the character's vital gauge, and it will therefore be necessary to press RB/L1 to heal by one square during the game. If this way of doing things may seem twisted at first, it turns out to be effective later on because it offers the opportunity to better visualize the state of health of your character, and therefore to better manage the use of herbs; which was not necessarily the case with the old ones resident evil. And since it's possible to press RB/L1 three times in a row to regenerate three squares at once, we're pretty good. Oh yes, you should also know that when the life bar is on the verge of completely emptying, the character collapses on the ground and tries, in a last burst, to defend himself from enemy attacks, just to die like a man . The rapid intervention of his partner - who injects him with a strong adrenaline - generally allows him to get back to the place and start fighting again. Besides, we have the strange impression that two different teams worked on the AI, because as much as that of the monsters is horrible, as much that of the teammates is doing rather well.
It's Chinese to me!
There where Resident Evil 6 finds it difficult to run wild on the other hand, it is at the level of dodges Max Payne characters can perform. OK, the Capcom developers have the merit of having wanted to make the game much more fluid, but the result is not really dreaming. The fault of a not very intuitive handling, and then the camera quickly gives nausea. It is also a constant in Resident Evil 6 : as soon as the monsters pile up on the screen, the action becomes difficult to read. A shame for a title that has decided to definitively turn its back on survival horror. We will not go so far as to speak of organized lying, but Leon S. Kennedy's campaign in no way marks a return to the sources of the saga. In reality, we are in the continuity of what was done in Resident Evil 5, in less nag, it's true. But the AK-47 remains de rigueur and the puzzles do not fly very high. The old school sensations promised by the Japanese publisher have obviously remained a dead letter. Hot. As expected, Chris Redfield's campaign gives pride of place to John Woo-style shootings, and the neurons are left aside in favor of the big guns. It is probably with him that we have spent the most skill points, which improve the skills of the characters. Some increase the damage inflicted with firearms, others strengthen those of melee attacks, and still others favor the appearance of objects after the elimination of a monster. Ammunition level, we are never almost dry, provided you take the time to search the surroundings. Those who are trigger-happy can be reassured. Even if the end sequence of the adventures of Redfield will undoubtedly make the most sensitive souls shed tears, it is indeed the campaign of Jake Muller that we appreciated the most. The reason ? The action scenes are totally assumed, it exudes freshness, and the sequence of events means that we don't pick up at any time. Beyond that, we feel that Jake Muller is a character capable of lasting in the series, and we really want Capcom to embroider him with a concrete background. Well, it will still be necessary to think about fleshing out this not really successful bare-handed combat system, with rather laughable combos, charged attacks or not. The idea is there, but it undeniably lacks know-how.
Dynamic inventory management (sewn from Dead Space), for example, which has the advantage of not interrupting the action and keeping the player under pressure."
The different focal points of the four single-player campaigns also represent a thinning in Resident Evil 6. Basically, there are key moments where the protagonists find themselves in the same place before going off on their own to pursue their own adventure, which can be quite trippy when playing online; even if the operation will never go beyond four playable characters simultaneously. That said, we note that Capcom learned the lesson with Resident Evil 5, and this time a drop-in/drop-out system has been set up to join a game at any time, without having to wait until the next checkpoint. As far as local cooperation is concerned, the concept of the individual screen was chosen. If it's quite practical in light levels, you have to squint in dark environments. Progress through failure then becomes essential so as not to smash the controller against the wall, especially during the phases where you find yourself at the controls of a vehicle. In terms of graphics, Resident Evil 6 impresses much less than its predecessor at its time, which may surprise when you know the wonders that the MT Framework is capable of achieving. Technically, it's quite tense at times: the textures lack finesse, the character design is not always up to par and the animation sometimes shows a certain rigidity. Now, we must also admit that China is pretty damn good, and Maxime will probably recognize some places he has already visited. More seriously, we were expecting something spectacular and, in the end, we were only entitled to something classic and uneven. For a title as ambitious as Resident Evil 6, it does work. To end on a good note, however, we will highlight the quality of the QTEs which do not fall like a hair on the soup, and contribute greatly to the various action scenes. Rare enough to be reported.