Teamfight Tactics. TFT, Tactical Battles, Guide, Sheet, Character, Heroes, Champions
Not all champions are created equal in TFT, and some are far more powerful than others. We make a selection of the best champions for you, whatever the situation.
With the launch of Set 2, Teamfight Tactics welcomes 51 champions in its cast. Champions who obviously come from the League of Legends universe, which are all game units that you can arrange, improve and equip to build your army.
The champions present in TFT have statistics, skills and room for evolution. Some of them will have a central place in the beginning of the game, others in the end of the game. To win, you will have to succeed in creating a team with good synergies based on the original classes, while keeping a certain flexibility in order to leave you some leeway.
In order to help you, here is a Tier-List of the champions of TFT (Set 2). Small precision: it is not because a champion is badly placed that he cannot be useful or effective, especially equipped with the right objects. It's all situational, so keep that in mind.
This is especially true when taking into account the origin classes. Sometimes it's a good idea to add a low-tier unit to your composition just to activate a class bonus that will benefit your whole team or your main carries. However, we do not recommend that you create a game plan before the game even begins. You will have to deal with the randomness of the store and you cannot be sure to get everything you want in the short or long term.
La Tier-List that we propose to take into account the classes and origins champions, their utility in a Ingredients, as well as their different statistics, their ability to enjoy an object to its maximum potential.
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