Some third-party sites are very useful in the life of the little Dofusien! An interactive map, a site to preview its future equipment, ... discover the editorial staff's selection!
Dofus Insight
This site allows you to know lines of sight on the kolizéum, tournament and certain dungeon maps.
Dofus Go
This somewhat "jack-of-all-trades" site is especially useful for treasure hunt clues, but also the exact positions of the resources harvestable thanks to a interactive map.
Dofus Tools
Just like Dofus Go, Dofus Tools has interactive maps for several versions of Dofus (not updated for version 2.42), but also a tool for preview his character before changing colors, face, etc... The site also has a nice collection d'interface !
For advice from a stylist, you can also take a look at Skiny.
Dofus Book
Dofus Book is a site that allows you totry on outfits, but also to make crafting lists. The site has some cool tools like the Cacminator. There are several stuff creation sites, but Dofus Book is undoubtedly the best known.
This site will help you manage the Ocher Dofus quest : The Eternal Harvest. You can thus easily sell your archmonsters in duplicate, and buy those which you lack on your server.
And a sixth as a bonus (at the request of readers)! Sweet.ovh allows you to reference the positions of dimension portals on your server, as well as their number of uses and their dimension modifier.
But let's not forget the ancestor of all these sites, the one that everyone knew in version 1.29: BARBOK!