Anno 2070 is coming soon. To leave in good conditions, take out Anno 1404. It would be a shame to lose you from the first clicks of the mouse.
- Rename your ships with one of the following names to get the corresponding achievement, and 10 gems each time.
Basin city
Bonanza Creek (Also gives you the title of “cheater”!)
Ghost Ship
Heart of Gold
Red five
USS Enterprise
- Set your system time to one of the dates below to get an achievement, a title, and 10 gems.
14 April : Title of "fan of Anno 1404"
15 March : Title of "fan of Anno 1503"
February 16 : Title of "fan 1602"
17 January : Title of "fan of Anno 1701"
(Remember to update your system date once you have obtained all the titles).
Start a game between 3am and 5am to get 10 gems and an achievement
- Play November 11 at 11:11 a.m. to get 10 gems and an achievement
You can earn further achievements by fulfilling the following conditions:
Build 1000 peasant houses in one game
Play a 24 hour game
Take more than 500 screenshots
Spend an hour in “postcard” view
Play 2 hours in close camera
Play 10 hours in medium camera view
Play 20 hours in far camera view
Pause the world 250 times
Destroy 2500 enemy ships
Speed up the game for one hour