For those who live very far from any form of technology and communication, Rayman Legends is the natural extension of Rayman Origins, namely a return to pure platform gameplay, in 2D with sumptuous graphics. Released in August 2013, Legends has further enhanced the beautiful visuals of the UbiART Framework, the engine used by Ubisoft Montpellier to achieve highly successful cartoon rendering, by multiplying parallax and background detail, and adding some welcome depth effects. On the playability side, it is above all the appearance of asymmetrical gameplay, with the character of Murfy, who then set Rayman Legends apart from his elder. It made it possible to share a game with two players of different levels, thanks to the touch screen of the GamePad of the Wii U.
Obviously, this feature was not adaptable to the PS3 and Xbox 360, on which Murfy had to be controlled with a joystick. And we must admit that we are disappointed to realize that it is the same on Xbox One and on PSA; indeed, the PS Vita has not been used beyond the Remote Play function, which is quite unfortunate. It will therefore be necessary to go through the DualShock 4 if a second player wants to control Murfy. Needless to say, these versions remain very similar to those released on PS3 and Xbox 360. The loading times have disappeared, of course, the visuals are slightly finer and the game is more fluid, but that's about it. On the content side, Ubisoft has extended the sauce a bit with exclusive online costumes and challenges, which adds to the already very exhaustive list of events available before.