Below is the complete list of Trophies, Achievements and Cheats to unlock in the game Plants vs. Zombies on PC, Xbox 360, PS3, PS Vita.
Trophies & Achievements Plants VS Zombies
PS3, PSvita, Xbox360
Smart Branches
Grow the wisdom tree at least 100 feet.
The Titan Crash
Defeat your first Gargantuar.
No peas in the pool
Complete a day level in the pool using pea spears of any kind.
Do in his plantalon
Plant your first 10 pea shooters.
Explode 10 zombies at once with a cherry bomb!
A close shave
Survive the zombie attack after all lawn mowers have been used.
Name, Name, Name
Stop the horde using only Sun Plants, Wall-Nuts and Chompers.
Pick up the pennies
Collect 30 coins in a row in a level without letting any of them disappear.
sunny days
Accumulate 8,000 suns in a single level.
Popcorn party
Kill 2 Gargantuars with Spike Missiles in a single level.
Complete a day level by planting only Mushrooms and Coffee Beans.
Last standing shorn
Kill the last zombie in a level with a lawn mower.
20° below zero
Immobilize 20 zombies with a single iceshroom.
Flower Power
Keep 10 sun plants alive in a single level.
Complete a level using only explosive plants to kill zombies.
Mr Lawn Mower
Kill 10 zombies with a single lawnmower.
Calms you
Feel the rhythm, feel the rhyme, destroy 3 Bobsleds in a single level!
Defcorn 5
Build 5 Spike Cannons in a single level.
Slaughter of monsters
Kill 5 zombies with a single squash.
blind faith
Complete a very cloudy level using Planterns and Blovers.
Melon dy
Plant a winter melon on all rows.
Collect all plants from Zen Gardens, Mushroom Gardens and Aquarium Gardens.
Diamond Beghouler
Update all plants in Beghouled.
The green hand
Grow 10 Zen Garden Plants to full size.
Wall-No attack
Complete ZomBotany without using any Wall-Nuts, Large Nuts, or Pumpkins.
Undefeated Sun
Complete the last level with 2,000 suns remaining.
Sproing! Sproing!
Complete PogoParty without using Large Nuts or Mushrooms.
Blow up a zombie with a potato mine.
Homeland Security
Complete Adventure Mode.
Master of Morticulture
Collect all 49 plants in the game.
Alive and planting
Survive 40 waves of pure zombie ferocity.
Roll some heads
Knock down 5 zombies with a single stone.
Go to the trunk and spend at least $25,000 at Crazy Dave's Twiddydinkies.
put in the ground
Complete a normal roof level without using a catapult plant.
Discover the Yeti zombie.
No mushrooms between us
Complete a night level without using mushrooms.
The swimming pool is closed
Complete the pool level without using any aquatic plants.
Obtain 3 diamonds on the slot machine.
Free Chile
Finish the column as you see them without using Jalapenos.
shooting star
Complete "Seeing the Stars" before the first zombie flag appears.
2nd life
Complete adventure mode a second time.
beyond the grave
Successfully complete all 20 mini-games.
The Complete Zombie
Obtained all trophies, climbed all mountains, defeated all zombies, planted all plants. Congratulation !
Plants VS Zombies
Ideal training to adopt
0: Daisy / or improved version
1: Simple Launcher
2: Quick Launcher
3: Triple thrower (three line shot)
4: Flaming Trunk
5: Water lily
6: Nut or large Nut
7: Small mushrooms
8: Carnivorous plant
9: Cowardly Mushroom
X: Free Space
By day :
0 1 2 3 4 6 8
0 1 2 3 4 6 8
0 1 2 3 4 6 8
0 1 2 3 4 6 8
0 1 2 3 4 6 8
By night :
0 2 3 4 9 X 7 7 7 6
0 2 3 4 9 X 7 7 7 6
0 2 3 4 9 X 7 7 7 6
0 2 3 4 9 X 7 7 7 6
0 2 3 4 9 X 7 7 7 6
To have light when the fog falls, do not hesitate to place flaming trunks. They light up the space just in front of them.
Defeat the final boss:
The end boss throws fireballs and ice balls at you. They will destroy all your plants in their path. To destroy the ice balls, use the red pepper. To overcome fireballs, use ice mushrooms.
If, despite everything, you still feel overwhelmed by events, you can try to enter the codes following. Be careful, some only work after a certain progression in the game, and the effects are quite crazy.
Zombies wear sunglasses: futures
Mustache Zombies: mustache
Daisies spawn where Zombies have died: daisies
Zombies demand brains: sugar
The Zombies are dancing: dance
Zombies walk slowly: slowboke
Mowers appear: trickedout