WWE 13 Codes and Cheats
Xbox360 and ps3
Here's how to unlock WWE 13 extra characters on Xbox 360 and PS3
Acolytes/APA Complete the Off Script Match - Acolytes vs. Kane & X-Pac
Big Boss Man Terminez le Great One Chapter - The Rock vs. Boss Man
Billy Gunn Complete Bonus Match #2
Booker T Win the King of the Ring Tournament
Bret Hart Complete the Rise of DX Chapter - Montreal Screwjob
British Bulldog Terminez le Rise of DX Chapter - HHH vs. Bret Hart
Cactus Jack Complete Bonus Match #1
Chris Jericho '00 Terminez le Script Match - Y2J vs. Road Dogg
Christian '99 Terminez le Script Match - Edge & Christian vs. Acolytes
Dude Love Terminez le chapitre Austin 3:16 - Stone Cold vs. Dude Love at Unforgiven '98
Eddie Guerrero Complete the Script Match - Stone Cold vs. Guerrero
Edge Terminez le Script Match - Edge & Christian vs. Acolytes
Edge '99 Terminez le Script Match - Edge vs. Vader
HHH '99 Complete Bonus Match #12
Hunter Hearst Helmsley Terminez le Rise of DX Match Chapter - HBK & HHH vs. Mankind & Undertaker
Iron Mike Tyson Terminez le Austin 3:16 Chapter - Austin vs. HBK at WM XIV
JBL Terminez le Script Match - Edge & Christian vs. Acolytes
John Cena '04 Terminez le Script Match - Stone Cold & Rock vs. HHH & Undertaker
John Laurinaitis Create a PPV and experience WWE Universe 3.0
Kane '97-'99 Terminez le Rise of DX Chapter in Badd Blood
Ken Shamrock Complete Bonus Match #5
Kevin Nash Complete all stories in Attitude Era Mode
Lita Terminez le Script Match - Trish vs. Lita
Lita '00 Complete the Script Match - Lita vs. Stephanie
Mark Henry '98 Terminez le Great One Chapter - Rock vs. Mark Henry
Paul Bearer (Manager) Terminez le Brothers of Destruction Chapter
Paul Wight Terminez le Wrestlemania XV Chapter
Road Dogg Terminez le Austin 3:16 Chapter - Stone Cold vs. Road Dogg
Shane McMahon Complete Bonus Match #13
Stephanie McMahon Complete the Script Match - Lita vs. Stephanie
The Godfather Terminez le Script Match - Godfather & Henry vs. LOD
The Road Warriors Terminez le Rise of DX Chapter - NAO vs. LOD
Trish Stratus Terminez le Off Script Match - Trish vs. Lita
Undertaker '97-'98 Complete Bonus Match #4
Vader Complete the Script Match - Kane vs. Vader
X-Pac Complete Bonus Match #10
WWE Trophies & Achievements 13
Xbox360 and ps3
The series ends
50 G
Defeat The Undertaker at WrestleMania with a Created Superstar on Legend difficulty (single player).
Gold standard
45 G
Hold the WWE, WCW and ECW titles with the same Superstar.
The “invincible” man
40 G
Win at least 20 matches on Hard difficulty or higher (solo mode).
Mr Opportunism
35 G
With a Created Superstar, win a title through Money In The Bank (solo mode).
25 G
Destroy a total of 50 tables, ladders and chairs by attacking with them (solo mode).
Mr Money in the Bank
30 G
WWE Universe - With a Created Superstar, win a Money In The Bank match (single player).
20 G
Successfully execute the Revenge technique (solo mode).
The moment of a lifetime
20 G
WWE Universe Mode - Spawn a Created Superstar at WrestleMania (single player mode).
A winning combo!
25 G
Perform a Special Taunt, then a Finisher, and follow up with a victorious fall (solo mode).
One that history will remember
25 G
Exhibition (Legend) - With an Attitude Era Superstar, defeat its normal version (solo mode).
Evolution is underway!
20 G
Exhibition (Legend) - With a Superstar, defeat their Attitude Era version (solo mode).
A legend is on the way
20 G
Win at least one match on Hard difficulty or higher (solo mode).
fight with your head
15 G
Exhibition - In a match, target a body part, then attack it 10 times (solo mode).
The Negotiator
15 G
Exhibition - Force your opponent to say “I Quit” (solo mode).
100% original my beautiful!
15 G
With a Created Superstar, play a match for a Created Title in a Created Arena.
The ring is my territory!
15 G
Create an arena in WWE Creations - Arena mode and play a match there.
Scenario assembled from scratch
15 G
Create a scenario that includes a Created Superstar or Created Arena.
Hooligan you call
15 G
Destroy a total of 20 tables, ladders and chairs by attacking with them (solo mode).
What to do with a rope?
10 G
Hit the ropes in a submission (solo mode).
A Superstar is born!
10 G
WWE Universe Mode - Win a match with a Created Superstar (Single Player).
Arena Architect
10 G
Create an arena in WWE Creations - Arena mode.
Live from the Titantron!
10 G
Create an entrance video in WWE Creations - Entrance mode.
Designer and Sponsor
10 G
Add a Created Logo to another original creation of your choice.
The specialty of the day!
10 G
Create a special “Forward Grip”, “Third String” and “Corner” move.
10 G
Create the belt from an original title using the Title Editor.
It will leave marks!
15 G
Exhibition (Title Match) - Hit the opponent with a created belt (solo mode).
Awesome !
5 G
Capture a screenshot in WWE Creations - WWE Highlights.
You, the winner!
10 G
Win 10 ranked matchmaking matches.
I'm the king of the world !
50 G
Achieve max rank on Xbox LIVE.
Long time veteran
30 G
Achieve Rank 10 on Xbox LIVE.
rising star
20 G
Achieve Rank 5 on Xbox LIVE.
Refreshing start!
5 G
Participate in an Xbox LIVE match (ranked match / friend match).
The circle of creators
5 G
Have the total of your content shared via the WWE Community commented at least 5 times.
Critical mind
5 G
Comment on at least 5 WWE Community Creations.
secret success
40 G
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
secret success
40 G
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
secret success
40 G
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
secret success
30 G
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
secret success
30 G
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
secret success
25 G
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
secret success
20 G
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
secret success
20 G
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
secret success
20 G
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
secret success
20 G
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
secret success
15 G
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
secret success
15 G
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
secret success
15 G
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
secret success
10 G
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.