Killed by a toad - BronzeKilled by a nestiole.
Ride My Robotic Steed - BronzeFirst blood.
Inspector without gadgets - BronzeHave more than 500 Solar units (late game bonuses do not count).
Party at Sky Vault! -BronzeWin a game session with two friends in split screen.
WOW! -BronzeWin an online game session.
Falcon, Wolf, Puma and Bear - BronzeKill 1000 droids/critters.
Beuaaaargh! -BronzeKill 3 opposing Awesomenauts without dying.
Robots fight their shadow - BronzePlay against a team with the same Awesomenauts.
Knight of Magical Light - BronzeKill 25 Awesomenaut enemies.
Awesomenauts, go ! - BronzeUnlock 3 characters.
Swimming in the Money - BronzeCollect a total of 10000 Solar units (late game bonuses do not count).
Among friends ! -BronzePlay a game session with guests from the game session setup screen.
Venom is too slow - BronzeWin a game in less than 10 minutes.
Pole position - BronzeTotal the most kills at the end of an online game session.
Destruction of turrets! -BronzeDestroy 25 turrets.
Silver Wings - BronzeCollect 35 Solar units from the drop pod.
The Bionic Family - BronzeWin game sessions with 8 different characters.
Mixed! -BronzeTaunt an enemy after killing them.
I would have my revenge Avenge! -BronzeTaunt an enemy after being killed by them.
Dinosaurs don't like brain boxes - BronzeKill an Awesomenauts enemy without buying anything.
Master of the Universe! -BronzeReach the maximum level.