As it sometimes happens (too rarely indeed), the game begins with a video sequence telling us about past events. But we will not fail to notice that it is called “Previously in BioShock” and not “Previously in BioShock Infinite”. And there, everything is said! This ultimate downloadable content does not just immerse us in Rapture like the previous one, but it totally embraces and definitely makes the universe of the first BioShock its own. If the Infinite component remains noticeable (especially during a brief stint in Columbia), the balance of forces this time is clearly in favor of the original saga. Without revealing the tricks of the scenario, know all the same that it features protectors, little sisters, Atlas, Suchong and that we even talk about Jack, the hero of the very first episode. Admittedly, Booker and Elizabeth remain present (especially Elizabeth since it is now her that we embody), but it is undoubtedly the BioShock mythology, more than that of Infinite, which serves as the foundation for the adventure. To tell the truth, this second episode of Underwater Tomb brings a lot of answers to a lot of questions. Moreover, it manages to definitively seal the link between the 2007 game and the 2013 game, so much so that even some inconsistencies raised by fans are explained. Thus, by looking closely at certain decorative elements and listening to all the audio recordings, you will know, for example, why vigors (drinkable) have been abandoned for plasmids (injectable), which a priori does not really constitute progress for consumers. . But beyond the scriptwriting considerations, the gameplay also strikes very hard since it innovates compared to the basic content, which is almost unheard of for downloadable content. If it is still possible to cling to some decorative elements thanks to the grappling hook ("BioShock Infinite style"), to throw plasmids ("BioShock style") and to use more or less heavy weapons (we are still in an FPS), it now has to be done with a strong infiltration component.
BioShock sequel and end
Undoubtedly, our frail Elizabeth prefers discretion to being inside. Especially since, for some reason that we'll let you discover for yourselves, she is no longer capable of opening rifts. From then on, BioShock Infinite turns into a "mini-Thief", of which we recall that Ken Levine was one of the authors in 1998. You must therefore be careful not to step in puddles of water or on broken glass to avoid attracting the attention of enemies, to squat and walk slowly so as not to be seen or heard, or even to favor paths covered with rugs or carpets to muffle the sound of our footsteps. All of this, of course, to be able to approach enemies from behind and stun them before they realize we're there. Those who swear by firearms can always draw their revolver, their shotgun, or even the microwave ray that appeared in the previous episode, but they risk finding themselves overwhelmed by enemies definitely alerted. And above all, they will deprive themselves of the pleasure brought by the crossbow, a new weapon as discreet as it is effective. Its anesthetic bolts allow you to instantly neutralize an opponent, while the smoke bolts release a soporific cloud capable of putting several people to sleep at the same time. Finally, the sound tiles serve as a diversion since they trigger a resounding alarm at the point of impact. Note also that these decoys are won by being particularly skilled in the mini-game of picking locks. We already knew that Elizabeth was a master in the matter, but her hook-based break-ins are now playable. The game then displays a 3D cross-section of the relevant lock, where three types of pins and the fast-moving hook can be seen. By stopping the latter on a neutral pin, the door opens. If we have the misfortune to select a red pin, an alarm is triggered. But if it's a blue pin that we manage to choose, we get a tinkered sound tile from the alarm. Picking also makes it possible to neutralize the turrets, from the moment when one manages to approach them from the rear. For this, we can from time to time go through ventilation corridors, which make their appearance in this new episode and enrich the infiltration aspect.
Especially since, for some reason that we'll let you discover for yourselves, she is no longer capable of opening rifts. From then on, BioShock Infinite turns into a "mini-Thief", of which we recall that Ken Levine was one of the authors in 1998.
However, we regret that they are not more numerous, the level design only using them too rarely. On the side of the plasmids, two small new ones make their appearance. The one called "Little Curious" allows both to become invisible and to see through walls (enemies, air ducts, areas to cling to...). The second consists of a bulletproof shield, which transforms enemy shots into ammunition for the weapon that is held in hand. Much less focused on infiltration, but still very practical to replenish your anesthetic tiles! DLC obliges, we can always blame the game for not providing us with all these tools until too late compared to the main adventure, and for too limited a time. But the lifespan remains superior to the previous episode, which was completed in two hours. This time, it is necessary to count the double if one wishes scrupulously to make the turn of the owner. And it would also be a shame to cross the levels like an arrow, as the sumptuous artistic direction of the game once again makes a strong impression, if not technically at the forefront. The attention to detail has even been pushed to the point of chipping the red varnish that adorns the nails of the beautiful Elizabeth. As a bonus for us French people, this new Underwater Tomb offers our eyes and ears many references to French culture. More Francophile than ever, Elizabeth, and therefore Ken Levine through her, concludes the BioShock Infinite section in style. And even the BioShock saga as a whole!