Below is the complete list of Trophies, Achievements and Cheats to unlock in Borderlands 2 game on Xbox 360 and PS3.
Trophies & Achievements borderlands 2
Xbox 360 & ps3 tips
It's me who treats - 10 G
Completed the "My First Gun" mission.
Dragonslayer - 20 G
You have completed the mission "The best minion in the world".
A clear road - 20 G
You have completed the mission "On the way to Sanctuary".
When we get to town... - 20 G
Completed the "Plan B" mission.
An Old Acquaintance - 20 G
You have completed the mission "The Hunt for the Burning Falcon".
Person behind - 20 G
Completed the "Operation Rescue" mission.
A real teaser - 20 G
Completed the "A Train to Catch" mission.
High in the Skies - 20 G
You have completed the "Heroic Flight" mission.
From here, I can see my house! - 20G
Completed the "Flying City Lights" mission.
Farewell, my pretty - 20 G
You have completed the "Nature Protection" mission.
Group Reform - 20G
You have completed the “Once a Mastoc, Always a Mastoc” mission.
Impersonation - 20G
Completed The Man Who Would Be Jack mission.
An angel passes... - 25 G
Completed the "Forbidden to Angels" mission.
Bombs dropped! - 20G
You have completed the mission "Efforts and difficulties".
Knowledge is power - 20 G
Completed the "Data Extraction" mission.
That's it, always cause... - 30 G
You have defeated Jack.
Challenge accepted ! - 30G
Complete level 1 of all non-level challenges with a single character.
Goliath? This is David - 15G
Allow a Goliath to level up four times before killing it.
Go the Distance - 25G
Complete round 5 of any Circle of Slaughter.
Not Quite Dead - 5G
Reach level 5.
It's already better - 10 G
Reach level 10.
It's by forging... - 25 G
Reach level 25.
Power On...For Now - 50G
Reach level 50.
Arctic Explorer - 15G
Discover all locations in Three Horns, Tundra Express and Frostburn Canyon.
Urban Explorer - 15G
Discover all locations in Sanctuary, Opportunity, and Lynchwood.
Highland Explorer - 15G
Discover all locations in the Highlands, Thousand Cuts and Wildlife Exploitation Preserve.
Blight Explorer - 15G
Discover all locations in Eridium Blight, Arid Nexus, and Sawtooth Cauldron.
Globetrotter - 50 G
Discover all locations in Pandora.
Generous donor - 10 G
Tip Moxxi $10.
We have class or we don't - 25 G
Have purple or higher gear equipped in each slot.
Lead in the head - 20 G
Kill 100 enemies using a Saber Turret.
Locked Up - 20G
Cast Phase Lock on 100 enemies.
Bloodstorm - 20 G
Defourailler for 90 seconds in a row.
Flesh and boneless - 15 G
Kill a "Fatty" enemy.
Tribute to a Vault Hunter - 15G
Collect an item from Michael Mamaril.
Italian plumber - 15 G
Kill Donkey Mong.
It flies very high - 10 G
Kill a flying enemy with a Tediore throwing gun.
A small room? - 20G
Use 25 tokens.
Hey ?! - 15 g
I can't even take a picture of it.
Invisible Predator - 20 G
Hold ten seconds straight in Zero's Lure3 mode.
Dézinguage express ! - 20 G
Kill a Builder without it building a single other robot.
Fastoche! - 10 G
Completed the "Headshot" mission.
What do I look like? - 25G
Unlock 10 customization items.
Lame Harvester - 30 G
You have defeated Terramorphous the Invincible.
Friendship Above All - 10 G
Revive someone on your friend list during a "Battle for Survival!"
Better than money - 15 G
Buy 5 items from the black market.
High five ! - 15G
High-five Claptrap.
Bounty Hunter - 25G
Complete 20 side missions.
I've finished everything! - 40G
Complete all side missions.
Old Fashioned - 10G
Opened the chest at the Fyrestone Bus Stop.
There is an Easter Egg dedicated to the glory of Minecraft in Borderlands 2. You must first go to Caustic Caverns, then locate yourself on the map to head northwest of the area. Once there, you have to cross the two rails going to the right, and continue your way through the rocks. On the left, you will begin to see blocks reminiscent of Minecraft. It will then be possible to dig to make your way to a secret cave, where there are a whole bunch of bonuses.