According to them, the larger specimens funneled the Machine's signal and broadcast it to the smaller ones. As a result, Santos thinks that the researchers must have found the Machine by going back to the source, thanks to the hotspots of the Nexus. Isaac will therefore have to enter the Nexus to stimulate these famous hotspots. Santos tries to go through a thermal system to thaw the monster, but it does nothing. Suddenly, Clarke will try to find a way to restart the boiler room which is on the roof, and thus reactivate the thermal circuit. To your right is a workbench just in case. Then follow the direction indicated by the plotter. You will come across a fitting room where the Archaeologist outfit is now available. Take the elevator, and once at the top go to the ladder on the left to climb on it. Get rid of the three Wasters blocking the way, then retrace your steps to go down the same ladder. Next to the elevator you came by is a small box that contains a battery. Take the latter out of its location with telekinesis, before dealing with the other Necromorphs (Wasters and Leapers mainly) who rush towards you. Once all these beautiful people eliminated, pass the battery through the half-open door which is in the direction from which the Necromorphs arrived. Then follow the route indicated by the plotter. Once you've descended the ladder, put the battery in its new location and activate the boiler room. Exit the station through the half-open door that now works properly, and deal with the Necromorphs waiting for you outside. Then take the elevator and follow the indications of the plotter. Obviously, the thermal circuit is powered but the Nexus does not thaw. In fact, the mechanism is blocked due to frost, and Isaac proposes to adjust the pressure of the pipes to solve the problem. Activate the machine by pressing the switch, then use telekinesis (in order) on lever #4, lever #3, lever #1, lever #3, lever #2 , lever n°3, lever n°4, lever n°1 and lever n°2. Do not waste time moving from one lever to another, otherwise you will have to start the maneuver from the beginning. Then press the switch again. The temperature inside begins to rise, and Santos tells Isaac that the Necromorphs are transmitting signals from the Monoliths. So the researchers designed a signal detector to find the Machine. The detector in question has been destroyed but Santos has in his possession a diagram which allows to build another one.
Go see Santos by following the tracer, so that she gives you the diagram. You must go to the scientific warehouse to recover the various parts, and thus build the detector. Santos communicates the coordinates of the famous warehouse to Isaac, as well as access codes. Norton then asks Isaac and Ellie how they plan to control the Machine if they find it. Clarke replies that Admiral Graves spoke of a Codex that would precisely control the Machine. Ellie adds that she decrypted several messages from Earl Serrano and that according to him, a certain Rosetta would be able to forge the Codex. Keep going until you come to not the first, but the second elevator. Once at the top, face the three Stalkers waiting for you outside. The best way to get rid of them is to force them out of their hideout, so that they rush at you. As a result, you can use Stasis to perform them better afterwards. Keep moving forward, and you'll come across two more Stalkers. Then, enter the station and keep moving forward (use a Dynabarre if you have one in stock, to unlock a door that is in the large room you are going through) until you reach the exit. There, you will see crates behind which several Stalkers are hiding. Stand in the corner to the right, and watch their every move. Wait for them to charge to give them a dose of Stasis and eliminate them. Then, follow the directions of the plotter and unlock the door by taking care of the EEI (Electrical Engineering Interface) panel. Follow the direction indicated by the tracer, and collect the first two parts of the detector that you cannot miss, after descending the ladder. Go up, go to your right to see a lever that you can activate with telekinesis. A cage in which is the third and last piece begins to rise. Go get it, then retrace your steps to where you faced the Stalker army. Follow the tracer but you will have to face the Snow Beast first, who does not seem to want to let go. Use the same technique as when you defeated him the first time: first aim for his tentacles, then the three red balls placed near his mandibles. Again, Stasis is a valuable ally to get rid of it without too much difficulty. Once again, the Snow Beast decides to flee. Isaac Clarke offers to go to the armory because someone left signals there lately. This is the third optional mission in the game, which allows you to get your hands on quite a lot of material for inventory, provided you protect the ammo stocks of Danik's men. Follow your tracer until you come across three Swarms. A fourth will come running with a grenade in his hands. Continue to where you destroyed the drill: a small group of Necromorphs is waiting for you there. Take care of them then resume your journey through the elevator. Once at the top, a few Swarms and a Puker will block your way. Kill them, and continue on your way. Stop at the workbench to build the famous detector, equip yourself with a powerful weapon with a decent rate of fire, then join the others near the Nexus.
As the tracer tells you, go right to activate the first harpoon. Once it is hooked, use telekinesis to open the left part of the Nexus' belly. Of course, repeat the operation on the other side. Santos asks Isaac to guide the cage, but Norton is too scared to go inside the Nexus' belly. So, Clarke decides to go. Santos tells Isaac what to do. In fact, all you have to do is equip yourself with the probe launcher and go in search of the hotspots. The probe launcher is supposed to emit a signal as soon as one approaches one of the neuralgic points. You must then shoot it to recover the signal and thus locate the Machine. The tracer is therefore of no use in the body of the Nexus, and it is only necessary to target with the probe launcher. Exit the cage and go to your right. Listen carefully and as soon as you hear a signal that becomes stronger and stronger, raise your head to see the first synapse. Shoot it and immediately take refuge in the cage by selecting your second weapon. The beast's body begins to move. An army of Feeders are charging towards you. Shoot the pile using Stasis. Obviously, the signal wasn't strong enough for Santos to locate the Machine. So equip yourself with your probe launcher, get out of the cage by going left and listen. Look up and you will see the second synapse. Shoot it, but it's not worth going to hide in the cage this time because no monster comes. Santos says the signal has amplified but a third attempt is needed to properly locate the Machine. Go to your left like the previous time, keep moving forward until the signal intensifies then shoot the third synapse. Then run to hide in the cage but along the way, Isaac is hallucinating. Continue towards the cage, then shoot the pile of Feeders that arrive. This time, Santos managed to locate the Machine even if the analysis will take a little while. Apparently there's a higher access under another drill site. Ellie and Santos rush off to prepare the climbing gear, while Norton takes charge of getting Isaac out. Well, that's what Ellie believes because Norton decides to leave Isaac locked in the cage.
Open the latter with telekinesis, then follow the direction indicated by the tracer. Once outside, Danik and his men ambush you and capture you along with Carver and Norton. The latter betrayed them from the start, which explains why Danik had managed to find their trace on Tau Volantis. Norton thought Danik was going to give him a ship in exchange, but that's gone. And just as Danik was about to execute Norton, Isaac rushes at him while Carver takes care of the others. Eliminate the Unitologists who come to save Danik. Suddenly, the Nexus bursts in and sucks in Danik's men who has time to flee in his ship. The fight takes place in two phases. During the first phase, the monster puts big claws that Isaac can dodge by rolling, and spits Feeders that rush towards you. The most effective is to destroy the eggs before they have time to hatch, and even if it is not possible to remove them all, it does at least reduce the number of Feeders. Eliminate them, while keeping an eye on the Nexus which lets its weak point appear well highlighted from time to time. Once you shoot it enough, the Nexus starts sucking up anything in front of its mouth, and you have to aim for the kind of orange cores so you don't get bitten. Repeat the maneuver until all the nuclei turn red. The Nexus will then suck Clarke in for good, and our hero will end up in the monster's body. In this second phase, Isaac swims in the gastric juices of the beast and, again, must aim for orange spots which represent the ultimate weak points of the Nexus. These spots launch missiles which you have to be careful not to waste energy stupidly. If you have trouble dodging them, you can always shoot them. Once the task is completed, you are expelled from the body of the Nexus, and you find yourself alongside Carver and Norton who allows himself to throw a tantrum. He grows more and more threatening, and Isaac has no choice but to put a bullet in his head.