Platinum Trophy
9 and beyond
Obtain all trophies.
Gold Trophies
The Legendary Super Saiyan
Get a minimum total XP of 150.
Powerful Warriors
Raise the partner level of all characters to the maximum.
Silver Trophies
Ready to get stronger
Complete 10 or more missions with a Z rank.
A true warrior never sleeps
Exceed 50 hours of mission gameplay.
Shenron, show yourself!
Collect 7 Crystal Balls in Crystal Ball Race mode.
The fury of battle
Win 100 victories in Online Battle.
Bardock, father of Goku
Complete a difficulty 5 mission without equipping a card or item.
There, I'm interested
Use all playable characters.
card master
Collect all the cards.
Object collector
Collect all items.
army of super warriors
Unlock all characters (except downloadable characters).
Now it's for real
Reach level 99.
Bronze Trophies
The exhausted warriors
Complete the Saiyan Saga: Path of Justice.
Victory is mine, runt!
Complete the Saiyan Saga: Path of the Saiyan.
A vain end
Complete Frieza's Saga: Path of Justice.
Number one in the universe!
Complete Frieza Saga: Way of the Frieza Soldier.
Farewell, warriors
Complete The Cyborgs Saga: Path of Justice.
Maximum power...
Complete The Cyborgs Saga: Path of the Cyborgs.
The grand finale...
Complete Bou's Saga: Path of Justice.
I'm invincible !
Complete Bou's Saga: Bou's Way.
It's over, Frieza!
Complete all missions in Another ERA.
Dragon's Fury!
Complete all Supp ERA missions.
Let's talk about serious things
Complete 100 or more missions.
You go-y, champion!
Obtain 10 gold medals in Free-for-all.
I count on you !
Use power sharing.
How are you ? Get yourself together !
Use a Soul Rebirth.
Take this !
Perform a pursuit.
Let's finish the job!
Use max Chase Chain.
With me !
Use a Duo Chain.
Use an ultimate attack.
Sers-toi de mon GENKI!
Send GENKI following a GENKI request.
Hail to you, little dragon!
Connect to a room in Co-op.
Let's join forces
Fight as part of a team in Co-op.
Elite Fighting Force
Complete a difficulty 5 mission on the first try.
I always end up winning
Complete all Special ERA missions.
Mission accomplished
Complete all missions.
Raise a character's partner level to the maximum.
wealthy collector
Spend more than 1 PDB.
premium collector
Spend more than 100 PP.
Justice Group!
Without reusing a character, create a team of 4 Vigilantes and win in Online Combat.
Frieza's Army Group!
Without reusing characters, create a team of 4 Frieza soldiers and win in Online Combat.
Group of Saiyans!
Without reusing a character, create a team of 4 Saiyans and win in Online Battle.
The group of cyborgs
Without reusing a character, create a team of 4 cyborgs and win in Online Combat.
Hey ! It's me, Goku!
Without reusing a character, create a team of 4 Goku and win in Online Combat.
I found a treasure!
Obtain a rarity level 7 card.
I do not want to see you anymore
Defeat Maximum Power Frieza with an ultimate attack.
Get out of my sight, Cell!
Defeat Perfect Cell using an ultimate attack.
be nice next time
Defeat Bou petit with an ultimate attack.