Developer: Sony Santa Monica
Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment
Release date: NC
Support : PS4
Like a number of licenses, God of War ended up giving in to the reboot phenomenon for a result that turned a lot of brains during Sony Computer Entertainment's E3 2016 conference. Indeed, instead of betting once again on the brutality and rage that drive Kratos, the developers of Santa Monica have this time preferred to highlight this link which now unites him to his son. The perfect vector to transmit emotions to the player, and discover a new facet of the series.
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
Developer: Quantic Dream
Genre: Action-Adventure
Support : PS4
Released: 2016
As expected, Quantic Dream took advantage of Sony Computer Entertainment's E3 2016 conference to present a new trailer for Detroit: Become Human. A trailer of almost 5 minutes which shows with formidable efficiency all the consequences that will involve the choices made by the player for a single situation. A PS4 exclusive which, as always with productions by David Cage, should give pride of place to the narration, of course.
Developer: Kojima Productions
Editor: Sony Interactive Entertainment
Release date: NC
Support : PS4
From a technical point of view, Death Stranding's announcement trailer is nothing very extraordinary. In fact, it is especially at the level of the atmosphere and the questions that he raises that he puts a slap. The video shows actor Norman Reedus waking up naked and picking up a baby, our man with a scar on his stomach. Did he give birth to this baby? And then, what is the world - full of stranded fish - in which he finds himself? It must be admitted that to triturate the neurons of the players, Hideo Kojima (the creator of the game), is damn good.
Developer: Guerrilla Games
Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment
Release date: February 28, 2017
Support : PS4
While we thought it would be released this year on PS4, Horizon: Zero Dawn will not be available until 2017 finally. If the wait is so painful, it is quite simply because the latest production from Guerrilla Games (Killzone) offers a captivating futuro-prehistoric universe, with a heroine – Aloy – with a tempered steel character. Add to that the promise of an ultra-calibrated gamelpay, and you will understand that Horizon: Zero Dawn risks being slapped next year.
Developer: DICE
Editor: Electronic Arts
Release date: October 21, 2016
Support : PC, PS4, Xbox One
Shown at Electronic Arts' E3 2016 conference, the Battlefield 1 trailer once again demonstrated that the Frostbite Engine was capable of pulverizing any retina. With a simply sublime achievement, DICE's FPS also promises to be nervous with explosions in all directions, the possibility of slipping into the controls of different vehicles and, above all, a very dirty First World War as a historical setting. In short, purists should get their money's worth.
Editeur: Nintendo
Developer: Nintendo
Genre: Action-Adventure
Support : Wii U / NX
Released: March 2017
Considered both the last great game for the Wii U and the launch pad for the NX, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild marks the series' entry into the open-world universe. An event that may force purists to change their habits, as evidenced by all the new gameplay mechanics highlighted in the trailer. At present, the doubts mainly concern the graphic quality of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, which is much less beautiful than what we were shown two years ago. Unless it was the NX version...
Developer: Arkane Studios
Editor: Bethesda Softworks
Release date: NC
Support : PC, PS4, Xbox One
Thought to be dead and gone forever, Prey made an appearance at Bethesda Softworks' E3 2016 conference. A video that unfortunately does not miss any gameplay phase, but which has the merit of proving that the project does indeed exist. Moreover, the release of Prey is scheduled for 2017; an exit window that - fingers crossed - will not change in the meantime.
Developer: SonyJapan
Editor: Sony Interactive Entertainment
Release date: October 25, 2016
Support : PS4
Long considered the Arlesian of the PS3, The Last Guardian will finally be released at the end of this year on PS4, as confirmed during Sony Computer Entertainment's E3 2016 conference. For this reason alone, Fumito Ueda's game deserved to be included in this ranking, especially since the emotion was already there in the demo that we were able to try. Yes, we are attached to Trico, this wild creature that we will however have to tame in order to progress in the adventure. Tears are likely to flow.
Developer: Insomniac Games
Editor: Sony Interactive Entertainment
Release date: NC
Support : PS4
While Sony Computer Entertainment's E3 2016 conference was an opportunity to review the main games expected on PS4, the event also provided a preview of the next Spider-Man game. Developed by Insomniac Games, the title gives the impression of being a reboot of the series, knowing that it will not be based on the film scheduled for 2017. Little information has circulated so far, except is that the developers promise parkour as well as a new fighting style.
Publisher: Microsoft
Developer: Playground Games
Genre : Course
Support : Xbox One
Released: September 27, 2016
According to rumors that circulated a few weeks before E3 2016, the developers of Playground Games lifted the veil on Forza Horizon 3 during the Microsoft conference. The opportunity to get to know Australia, the new playground of this episode which will allow the pilots to organize their own Horizon festival. Already superb visually, Forza Horizon 3 will even offer the opportunity to import your own music in MP3 format. The wait until the release of the game may be long.