If you need to atone for your sins in Elden Ring, you must do so by going to the Church of Vows. This location is in eastern Liurnia above the Necrolimbo. You can reach the area by going through the artist's cabin (has its own site of grace) or by looking for a magic teleporter at the Raya Lucaria Academy.
On this page you are told everything there is to know about this very important place in Elden Ring which will allow you to make amends if mistakes have been made along the way. Something that will be very useful if you accidentally killed someone important to advance in your quests! Note that we will also reveal how to make a secret boss appear at the Church of Wishes.
Meeting with Miriel at the Church of Wishes to learn new magic:
When you first arrive at the Church of Vows, you can see on the left Miriel, the Priest of Vows and Guardian of the Church who looks like a large white turtle with a Bishop's Miter on his head. Above all, do not attack it, this mystical creature is not hostile! Also take a look on the right side of the church entrance to also find a chest containing the key items “Golden Sewing Kit” and “Golden Sewing Needle”.
If you take the time to speak with Miriel, she will share with you some information that will allow you to better understand the Lore linked to Rennala, the Queen of the Full Moon or even Lord Radagon. But above all, Miriel will allow you to learn new sorcery spells and certain incantations. You can give him scrolls and breviaries if you have them so that he renews his stock of magic.
★ Note – If you kill Miriel the Wishing Priest, he will drop “Miriel's Cinerary Pearl” on the ground. Besides, it is good to know that the majority of merchants in the game drop cinerary pearls when they die. You can bring this item to the Round Table Stronghold by talking with the carcass of the twin maids (the ones who sell you a little bit of everything) so that they add to their stock all the items that the merchant NPC you have sold kill.
Now is the time to focus on the statue in the center of the Church of Wishes. Get close enough and you will see the words "atone". If you have things to be forgiven, you will be asked to present to the "heavenly dew" statue to receive absolution. Contrary to popular belief and what can be found in some online guides, atoning your sins does not revive merchants in the game at all. Only important characters in Elden Rings that you have killed, whether on purpose or by accident. If you killed a merchant, go back a little higher and see our note to understand how you can buy their items again.
Where to find Celestial Dew in Elden Ring:
- You will find a vial in Caria Manor in the Liurnia region by looking for the merchant "Pidia" from the roofs of the manor. He will sell you a vial for 5000 runes.
- In the ruins of Uhl's Palace, (Ainsel underground area), you will find a vial of Heavenly Dew on a corpse in the area with the large statue and the stone pillars.
- In the ruins of the palace of Uhl, (Ainsel underground area), go behind the big beast that sends you magic. You will find a merchant there. He will sell you a vial in exchange for 7500 runes.
- At the Grace Site of the Great Academy Gate, go behind the blue floating rune and follow the path to the end. You will be able to collect a new vial of Celestial Dew from a corpse. Watch out for the bug hidden nearby!
- At Sacrecorne Domain in the depths of the map, look on the right side of the area, there is an area below where you can find another vial of Celestial Dew.
Spawn a secret boss at the Church of Wishes:
There is a boss in this area, "the cinerary pearl hunter" that you can spawn at night. Rest at the site of thanksgiving at the Church of Wishes and let time pass until nightfall. Rest a second time at the Site of Grace without changing the time of day this time and head into the Church of Wishes to trigger the appearance of the boss "the hunter of cinerary pearls". When you have defeated him, he will drop the "Flesh Merchant's Cinerary Pearl" which you must give to the twin servants in the round table stronghold.