The least we can say is that Eye Gym: Exercise and Relax your Eyes is aptly named. Our poor eyeballs are indeed too often overlooked; everyone knows that doing a few abs in the morning is good for your health, but who thinks of working on his sight? This application therefore proposes to improve your skills in five categories: dynamic visual acuity, instantaneous vision, eye movements, peripheral vision and visuo-manual coordination. Basically, you will work on your ability to visualize elements at the edge of your field of vision, to move your gaze very quickly from one object to another, to quickly distinguish certain things from many others. Usefulness? Greater safety in the car, for example, with a better understanding of obstacles, or even more efficiency in sport, by becoming able to follow the ball while keeping an eye on the surrounding players.
The Toutouyoutou of the eyes
More concretely, Gym des Yeux: Exercising and Relaxing your Eyes takes up the recipe for Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training Program and other English Training. We are therefore entitled to a daily evaluation drawing on the exercises also available separately for training. The evaluation favors this or that type of test according to the result of a preliminary test evaluating your eye age. Yes, yes, you read that right. So obviously, on the first pass, you inevitably get a delirious figure, your guinea pig having been awarded a demoralizing "60 years". But over the days, you improve to approach a result much more in line with your physical age. Phew! There are two categories of tests: intellectual and sporting. In nerd, we have a boneto, numbers to memorize very quickly, symbols to spot very quickly, squares to touch as quickly as possible with the stylus... On the sporting side, there is boxing (touching the gloves coach), volleyball (touching the ball when it is in a particular area), ping-pong (ensure 40 exchanges by moving the racket with the stylus), or even basketball (touching his teammates which appear in white for a short time at the beginning)... In total, there are no less than 17 relatively pleasant exercises which constitute so many small challenges to be taken up regularly if you want to progress. The game even offers us after each evaluation to do some stretching of the eyes, following the instructions. So at first, we must admit that it's rather nice, but as usual, it quickly becomes repetitive. And above all, the interest seems much less flagrant than theBrain Training. As for the progress it allows us to achieve, it is difficult to judge their reality. It is after several weeks of daily use that we could really tell if they exist or not.