After the crazy day last Thursday during which Rockstar revealed all the info on GTA Online as well as a first gameplay trailer, it's the turn of the 49 trophies and unlockable achievements of GTA 5 and GTA Online to show their attributes , and the least we can say is that it's heavy. It will probably take a phenomenal number of hours to hope to unlock them all. Spending hundreds of millions of dollars and earning gold medals in all activities in Los Santos or reaching level 100 in GTA Online are some of the objectives that our trophy hunters will have to achieve, not to mention the 11 trophies secrets whose content we do not yet know. For those who were over the moon, we remind you that GTA 5 will be released on Xbox 360 and PS3 on September 17 and GTA Online will arrive 15 days later. In the meantime, find our interview with the Rockstar boss to learn more about GTA Online.
GTA 5 & GTA Online
Trophies and Achievements on Xbox 360 and PS3
Solid Gold, Baby! - 50G
Earn 70 gold medals in "Missions and Strangers and Freaks".
Career Criminal - 100G
Complete the game 100%.
San Andreas Sightseer - 30G
Explorer Los Santos and Blaine County.
All's Fare in Love and War - 10G
Buy Downtown Cab Co. and sell a product.
TP Industries Arms Race - 10G
Buy the McKenzie Field Hangar and win the arms race.
Multi-Disciplined - 30G
Earn all gold medals in all hobbies and pastimes.
From Beyond the Stars - 15G
Collect and deliver all the parts of the spaceship.
A Mystery, Solved - 15G
Solve the mystery of Leonora Johnson.
Waste Management - 15G
Buy the old port and collect all the nuclear waste.
Red Mist - 20G
Complete all massacres.
Show Off - 30G
Complete all Stunt Jumps.
Kiflom! - 30G
Finding your way to enlightenment...or not.
Three Man Army - 20G
Survive at least 3 minutes, with 3 stars and all characters in the "Wanted" mission.
Out of Your Depth - 5G
You'll need a bigger boat...
Altruist Acolyte - 5G
Deliver an unexpected victim to the Altruistic Cult.
A Lot of Cheddar - 20G
Spend a total of over $200 million on your three characters.
Trading Pure Alpha - 10G
Make profits on all of your stock market investments.
Pimp My Sidearm - 10G
Fully customize a weapon.
Wanted: Alive Or Alive - 10G
Deliver a target alive.
Los Santos Customs - 10G
Fully customize a car.
Close Shave - 20G
Complete all "Under the Bridge" and "Knife Flight" challenges.
Off the Plane - 5G
Complete the intro.
Three-Bit Gangster - 10G
Reach level 25 in GTA Online.
Making Moves - 30G
Reach level 50 in GTA Online.
Above the Law - 80G
Reach level 100 in GTA Online.
Number One - 20G
Reach first place in all online competitions in GTA Online.
The Midnight Club - 20G
Use custom vehicles to win 5 races in GTA Online.
Unnatural Selection - 20G
Complete 10 waves in Survival mode in GTA Online.
Backseat Driver - 10G
Assist a driver to finish first in GTA Online's Rally co-driver mode.
Run Like The Wind - 20G
Survive a day with a bounty on your head in GTA Online.
Clean Sweep - 10G
Complete a Gang Attack without dying and killing at least 10 enemies in GTA Online.
Decorated - 50G
Collect 30 GTA Online Platinum Awards.
Stick Up Kid - 10G
Rob 20 stores in GTA Online.
Enjoy Your Stay - 20G
Participate in all Los Santos activities in GTA Online.
Crew Cut - 5G
Complete a job as a member of a Crew in GTA Online.
Full Refund - 10G
Kill the thief who robbed you in GTA Online.
Dialling Digits - 5G
Ask the gang for help for the first time in GTA Online.
American Dream - 10G
Own an apartment, a garage and an insured vehicle in GTA Online.