The Director General of ERA, Kim Bayley, specifying all the same that these figures do not take into account the impact of streaming services, in particular Deezer, Spotify or even We7. For him, this rise in power of the dematerialized offer comes above all from the available side of the products. It is possible to obtain them very easily at any time, from anywhere, on the sole condition of having a connection. The many discounts and special offers also help to make this system popular. However, he remains cautious, surprised by the resistance offered by the physical market. Consumers still like the "concrete" side of the object and its quality (packaging, booklet, appearance, etc.), particularly in the context of a desire to collect, or even the simple reality of possession.

At a time when rumors about new home consoles to come still evoke a highlighting of the download aspect, it will be interesting to see the impact of these choices on the future dematerialized market. Which could ultimately only be held back by a balance or the fall of one of the big players in the sector, iTunes (via Apple) or Steam for example.