You will find below the complete list of Trophies, Achievements and Cheats to be unlocked in the game Saints Row The Third: The Big Pack on PC, PS3 and Xbox 360. Action game like GTA set in a delirious universe, it contains a few characters to unlock, lots of hidden weapons, lots of secrets and achievements.
Trophies & Achievements Saints Row The Third: The Big Package
on PS3, PC and Xbox 360
Success of Gangstas in Space :
C-List Celebrity (20 points): Complete all Gangstas in Space missions.
Do a Barrel Roll! (10) Perform all stunts with the Aegean.
First Contact (10) Destroy all enemy ships during pursuit.
I Do My Own Stunts (5) Land on the Parachute Target during the rescue scene.
Lights! Camera! Action! (5) Collect the 6 hidden claps.
pew! pew! pew! (10 points): Kill 35 Space Amazons with the laser gun.
Revenge of the Navigator (10 points): Destroy 10 enemy ships with the Aegean while filming
Union Buster (10 points): Kill 15 cameramen with melee attacks.
Xenaphobe (10 points): Kill Space Brutina.
Success of Genkibowl VII :
Soft landing (5) Land on Magarac Island
Medium (10) Cook pedestrians with flamethrowers
Let go of me (5) Destroy 5 pursuit vehicles
Pussy on a hot roof (10) Kill all the pets on the rooftops
In fire (10) Go through all the rings
yum time (10) Throw 5 pets into the water
Murder in the Jungle (10) Complete both instances of Apocalypse Genki.
Hatred of wool (10) Destroy a mouse during Sexy Pussy Ball.
C-C-C-Combo Breaker (10) Do $150 in damage in a single Sexy Pussy Pad combo.
Genkibowl Champion (20) Complete all activities in Genkibowl VII.
Achievements of The Trouble with Clones:
Brawl King (10) Defeat 15 enemies at Technically Legal using only melee attacks.
Public Enemy #1 (10) Destroy 45 police or SWAT vehicles while protecting Jimmy's car.
Code Johnny (10) Complete the "Code Johnny" mission.
Through the whole swarm (10) Hit 25 rabid fans with the Ruchotron.
Dard-dard (5) Destroy 5 Steelport Guard vehicles during the "Prank Tower" mission.
Stuffing Tower (10) Complete the "Prank Tower" mission.
Excellent edible!(10) Shoot down a helicopter with a Saints Flow fireball.
Send the clones (5) Kill a bully while dealing only melee damage while under the effect of Saints Flow.
Johnnyguard (10) Prevent Johnny Tag from being injured on the Magarac Bridge.
The nice monster (20) Complete all "The Trouble with the Clones..." missions