It's been over a year since the so-called next gen consoles have come out and the publishers have been bathing us with their two-ball remastering. It's true what, between TOMB RAIDER, Sleeping Dogs and The Last of Us, the interest in cracking a second time for each of these titles was actually quite limited. Certainly, enjoying 1080p, and for some of them, benefiting from 60fps gives a boost to the experience, but not enough to justify the debit of 70€ from your current account if you already have the original game. on PS3 or Xbox 360. In the case of GTA 5, it's a whole different story, however, since Rockstar Games has undertaken to offer us a version that can truly take advantage of the new technical capabilities of PS4 and Xbox One. It is enough to take a look at the PS3 vs PS4 comparison video to see how great the promises displayed by Rockstar are. Display in 1080p, graphics revised upwards, creation of new vegetation, denser traffic and population, more efficient lighting system, more worked weather conditions, reflections on puddles and bodywork, the list of new features graphics side is long. We might have thought it was marketing bullshit again, but unlike other publishers, Rockstar Games did not fail in the task.. After the installation and then the update of the game, GTA 5 next gen' finally revealed itself to our dumbfounded eyes. It's simple, everything that was advanced by Rockstar is indeed present in the Blu-ray. Already a monster of beauty on old gen consoles, GTA 5 is on its way to becoming a graphical reference in terms of open world games. You can question our good faith if it's fun, but take the time to explore Los Santos and the plains of Blaine County so you can take your visual slap in turn.
It's not so much in the modeling of the characters that the metamorphosis is incredible, but more in the environments, richer, more detailed, denser, more natural, which has the effect of making the ecosystem and the universe of Los Santos even more credible. It is enough to go and get lost in the heights of Vinewood or on the side of Sandy Shores to see how the game has grown. Better, go and stand at the top of Mount Chiliad, do a Yoga session for example and contemplate the view overlooking downtown Los Santos to admire the climate changes in real time. This is unheard of. Really. And for those who are still cautious, we invite you to immediately switch to FPS view, certainly THE biggest innovation of this GTA V next gen. As promised by the developers, it is possible at any time to switch to subjective view by simply pressing the touchpad of the PS4. A new perspective, completely new, and which allows us to find ourselves catapulted into the heart of the game. Again, this is unheard of for a GTA, which is therefore no longer ashamed to give us the textures – now HD – of its decorations in full face. The opportunity therefore for purists to contemplate each of them and say to themselves: oh yeah, it's not kidding...
It's not so much in the modeling of the characters that the metamorphosis is incredible, but more in the environments, richer, more detailed, denser, more natural, which has the effect of making the ecosystem and the universe of Los Santos even more credible.
GTA 5 in FPS view, so it's no longer a Sunday modder option since Rockstar teams have spent the last 14 months creating new animations to make the experience complete. More than 3 if we are to believe the press release, which does not seem exaggerated to us when we see all the new possibilities offered to us in the game. Reloading weapons (ALL weapons in the game, even the new ones), theft of cars with the famous nudge in the window to break it, pulling wires from under the steering wheel to start them, climbing obstacles, jumping, rolling on the ground, fighting with bare hands or even another parachute jump. Nothing has therefore been forgotten, even if sometimes the experience is not always the most optimal. For example, we were scalded by the rendering of the walk in FPS view, much faster than that in third person view (TPS), which has the effect of creating an imbalance between the two views. Let me explain. In situations where you have to follow an NPC for example (and God knows there are some in the game), in TPS view, no problem, our character has the right walking pace, but by switching to FPS view, it will tend to go 000-2 times faster. The consequence of all this? Distance the interlocutor by putting him for example 3 meters in sight, thus decreasing the coherence of the scene. Worse, in the running missions with Michael, we realize that it is much easier to win the race by switching to FPS view. Well, nothing very dramatic in the end, but it's a shame that the dev teams didn't think of this kind of detail.
But let those who worship the craftsmanship of the Rockstar teams be in no way prejudiced, they have again shown unparalleled professionalism when boarding the vehicles. Not only has each interior been fully modeled, but in addition, it is possible to see the various counters come alive. You can even see the fuel gauge empty or the dedicated handbrake light come on when you use it. Crazy. On the other hand, big disappointment with the rear view mirror which does not display the road in real time but a disgusting blurred image which really does the job with the rest. Anyway, driving in subjective view is a pleasure that it is impossible to sulk. We won't go so far as to say that the experience is similar to that of a real racing game, but we are seriously starting to get closer to it, all things considered. Still, it's a new learning that awaits us, since we have to relearn how to manage distances. That said, it's definitely the best view for missions where you have to drive and shoot at the same time, since you do it from the cockpit, dispensing with that mongrel angle of view on the side, which tended to distort the conduct.
As promised by the developers, it is possible at any time to switch to subjective view by simply pressing the touchpad of the PS4. A new perspective, completely new, and which allows us to find ourselves catapulted into the heart of the game.
Always with the aim of offering the best possible experience, Rockstar has implemented a whole bunch of settings to customize in the Options to automatically alternate from one view to another, without having to press the Touchpad each time. of the DualShock 4. You can indeed very well deactivate the FPS view when you get into a car or a flying machine, force it when it comes to gunfight sequences; option that we highly recommend since the shootings have never been so precise in first person view. On the other hand, it is better to go back to TPS view for everything that is cover system, roll or sudden fall, if you don't want to feel like you don't have everything under control. Rockstar has also taken advantage of the features of the DualShock 4 to go further in the delirium of immersion, with use of the loudspeaker of the controller when we receive a phone call or when the Police ask us to stop. The light bar will then begin to flash red and blue when the police arrive, just to put us more in the mood. As for the touchpad, it is not only used to change views, since by sliding on the top, you can scroll through the weapons, while a slide on the sides allows you to change the radio station. Well found indeed. As you will have understood, unlike other developers, Rockstar Games did not just upscale its graphics to justify the passage of its game to next gen. With GTA 5, it's a real groundwork that has been done, for a result that is not only successful but also offers a new experience.