While searching through the memories of Agartha Citadel from Rogue Legacy 2, you will eventually come across the memory of the Lamech Estuary. You will learn through his diary that he has hidden a secret door in the tower of lights, against the back wall, between the fifth and sixth lanterns, the location of his personal residence. Reading Lamech's memory will activate the "Hidden Chambers and Secrets" quest in your journal. Your goal in assimilating this information will be to find out where Lamech's shrine is hidden. If you're having trouble cracking the secret to this riddle, this guide shows you what you need to do!
Where is Lamech's hidden shrine (hidden rooms and secrets quest) from Rogue Legacy 2 :
First of all, you should know that Lamech's home is in the Agartha Citadel, so there's no need to search in the other biomes of the game. Open your map and consult the legend which presents you with the various important icons of Rogue Leagacy 2. last icon in green color with an exclamation mark inside shows you a unique room. Be aware that each time the world is generated again, this room must appear in the citadel of Agartha. You will therefore have to explore the citadel in search of this unique room. When you get there, don't touch anything. You will notice several hanging lanterns and a chest to be opened at the top of the room… This is the “tower of lights” referred to in the memory of the Lamech Estuary.
There is a secret door here, against the back wall, between the fifth and sixth lanterns. Use a spell towards the left wall in the room to reveal a secret entrance. Enter through the hole that appeared and jump inside to gain height. You will then find a door which will allow you to reach the residence of the Lamech Estuary which is a tower to climb. At the top, you will find the nameless knight as well as a memory to consult which will validate the quest “hidden rooms and secrets”. For completing this Rogue Legacy 2 quest, you will get a permanent bonus. Now you will be able to deal 15% more damage to Estuary Lamech when fighting him in Agartha Citadel!