Like many "Gacha" type games, the new Tower of Fantasy allows players to do a few "rerolls" if they wish. This technique, well known to players, is used to restart an account from zero after a few minutes of play. weapon that goes with it.
However, since it is not possible to delete an existing backup in this production signed Level Infinite or to start an account from scratch, it will be necessary to create a new account with a new email address. If you're thinking of doing a few "rerolls" before you really start playing Tower of Fantasy, this guide explains the procedure to follow.
How to quickly reroll in Tower of Fantasy to get a good Simulacrum and SSR weapon:
Before you start applying the technique, please keep in mind that the accounts you will create will mostly be trash, especially if you have a specific character/simulacrum in mind. We therefore advise you to keep your real player name aside until the final account with which you will really start playing.
→ Reroll technique valid until August 17, 2022 (about 10 minutes of play):
Play the main quest until your guide, Shirli, walks you through how to use the jetpack and complete the tower junkyard quest. The game will then introduce you to the system of "special commands" to draw your first character (also called simulacrum). For this first draw, the character obtained is scripted, it must be the “SR Echo”. Once it's done, open the gifts icon at the top of the screen (by holding ALT if you're on PC to bring up the mouse cursor) and collect the following gold nuclei...
- You can collect 10 gold nuclei with the "side by side 1" reward banner (valid until August 17, 2022).
- You will get 10 nuclei with the “tier” reward banner valid until 06/02/2022.
- You will receive an in-game message with 10 gold nuclei offered to all players, because ToF has entered the top 3 free games.
Open the menu of "special commands" and on the banner "weapons of choice / abundance of weapons" spend your 30 gold nuclei. Be aware that contrary to what is written on the banner, an SSR is guaranteed every 30 draws. You will therefore necessarily have an SSR by spending your nuclei. It's up to you which character/simulacrum you're aiming for and if you don't get the right one, reroll by creating a new account with a new email address and redoing these steps.
→ Technique to apply from August 17, 2022 to start from scratch in Tower of Fantasy (about 30 minutes of play):
The technique is essentially the same in general except that you will end up with 10 less gold cores. Those of the "Side by Side 1" banner, which will no longer be available from August 17, 2022. To overcome this problem, you will have to follow a special route on the first island of Tower of Fantasy to collect them on your own. 10 gold cores missing. We put a map of the route to follow at your disposal below.