As you progress in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 you will be able to recruit different characters called "heroes" in the game. This guide shows you the full list of heroes that you can recruit over the course of the adventure. In addition to the 6 basic characters and classes, you can enlist 19 additional characters in your team outside DLC to come.
★ Note – Although you will unlock many heroes as you progress through the story of Xenoblade Chronicles 3, you will not be able to change your base characters to one of these characters. Noah, Mio, Eunie, Lanz, Taion and Sena will always remain in your party.
List and location of all unlockable heroes of Xenoblade Chronicles 3:
Once you've unlocked a hero, you can add them as the seventh party member who will fight alongside you. You can also assimilate a new class to your characters each time you unlock a new hero. Be careful, this guide may contain key information on several heroes and characters of Xenoblade Chronicles 3 and therefore spoil you with some surprises. You consult it knowingly.
Hero Ethel, class dazzling swordsman:
Class of the Searing Blade unlocks in Chapter 3 after completing the Hero Quest "The Value of Courage". During this quest Ethel will join your party and upon returning to Colony 4 you will unlock her class.
Zeon Hero, Guardian Commander class:
In Chapter 3 by listening to Colony 4 special conversations and taking stock at a rest stop, you will unlock the "Original Attachment" hero quest which will lead you to Colony 9 where you will meet Zeon. Complete this quest to get the "guardian commander" class which has the "protector" role.
Valdi Hero, War Medic Class:
In Chapter 3 when you're done with Colony 4. You'll be back on your way to the Great Sword. Along the way, you will automatically come across Valdi the artificer and leader of colony 30. You will trigger the hero quest “the friendly helper”. Complete the quest and you will unlock the war medic healer class for your characters.
Hero Gray, battleship jaguar class:
You can unlock this hero from Chapter 3, after recruiting Valdi and obtaining the “wall climbing” field skill, which allows you to climb along the vines that grow on certain rock walls. Teleport to the Aetia region and head to the question mark that appears on your map (Millick grassland area) to meet the hero Gray. Complete his quest and you will unlock the character and his class.
Hero Master, thaumaturge class:
You can recruit this character from Chapter 3 simply by going to Aetia in the plains of Gura Flava. Nearby, you will find a quest marked with a question mark on your map which will activate the hero quest “more than power”. You will travel to the Gamma Colony. After freeing her, all you have to do is talk to the master again so that he joins your team. During this quest you will also obtain the field skill "climbing" which will allow you to run to the top of certain steep slopes.
Heroes Riku & Manana, armuromiam class:
You will automatically unlock Riku & Manana's armuromiam class towards the end of Chapter 3 by completing the "Advice of a Nopon" quest. The quest is part of the story path so you can't miss it.
Hero Alexandria, fearless strength class:
This hero can be obtained from Chapter 3, but at this stage of the adventure it could be difficult to reach the end of his quest. Indeed, you will have to face a group of enemies at level 40. Unless you farm the EXP, you will have to resign yourself to coming back later to complete his hero quest "his reasons" and free the Iota colony in the Fornis desert. . You will have to increase the friendship in the settlements 30 and lambda anyway to see the quest arise.
Hero Isurd, strategist class:
You'll unlock the "Steadfast Resolve" hero quest around the start of Chapter 4 after reaching and liberating Colony Lambda. Speak with Isurd after the colony is liberated to activate his hero quest and enlist him in your party.
Juniper hero, stealth archer class:
Here is another character class that is unlocked by simply following the story path. Exploring the Pentelas region, just past the “path camp” resting point, you will automatically activate the “natural selection” hero quest. You will have to free the Tau colony before resuming your journey, which will allow you to enlist the hero Juniper. Note in passing that you will get the “rope descent” field skill which will allow you to quickly slide through the ropes / cables which appear as long yellow lines on your map in certain places.
Hero Ashera, solitary class in exile:
Ashera is obtained in Chapter 4 before exploring Keves Castle. At the beginning of the Castle Region area, instead of descending through the tight cables, head to the large bridge where a question mark appears on your map to activate the "Ashera's Rage" hero quest. ". You'll have to help her take over Colony 11. When that's done, she'll join your ranks and you'll get her class.
Hero Monica, Lost Vanguard Class:
You will get Monica from Chapter 5 after discovering the city. You will have access to the hero quest “The Heiress of Vandham”. After completing it, Monica will join your ranks.
Hero Ghondor, pugilist artist class:
Like a few other heroes in Xenoblade Chronicles 3, Ghondor will automatically join your party when you reach Chapter 6.
Hero Fiona, Standard Bearer Class:
Fiona can be recruited from Chapter 5 by exploring the Erythian Sea region. It is on the beach of Coquiroc that you can activate his hero quest called "transparent dreams". Help her free the Mu colony and she will join your party.
Hero Triton, Soul Pirate class:
Go to the island of Ishan, in the eastern part of the Sea of Erythia. This location can be accessed from Chapter 5. There, you will meet Triton and activate the “my way” hero quest. Complete the three trials and free Colony 15 to join you.
Hero Myabi, troubadour class:
Follow the path in Chapter 6 until you reach the Omega Colony. A battle will take place there and you can enlist Myabi.
Hero Cammuravi, Warrior Archangel Class:
In Chapter 6, at the same location where you obtained Myabi, i.e. Omega Colony, speak with Cammuravi to activate the "Blow of Fate" hero quest. After you went to the city with him and saw some scenes, he will join your team.
Rizette Hero, Killing Machine Class:
In order to play the "Inhumanity" Hero Quest, you will first need to complete the normal "Return of the Threat" quest that appears after liberating the Omega Colony. Once the quest is active, you will have to give the order to Rizette to take you to colony 0. After a hard fight, you will unlock the character and its class. At the end of the quest, you will obtain the skill "immunity to dangers" which will now allow you to run in the poison without taking damage.
Hero Nia queen of Agnus, class:
After completing the game and saving after the end credits, teleport to the upper level of the Aetia region and go to the Serenity Room where Nia, Queen of Agnus is. Speak with her and you can add her to your party as a hero character and assimilate her class.
Hero Melia queen of Keves, class:
After completing the game and saving after the end credits, teleport to Keves Castle and visit the first floor of the castle to find Melia. Speak with her and you can have her as a hero and assimilate her class.