As you progress in the adventure of Xenoblade Chronicles 3, your characters will have the ability to interlink to take their Ouroboros form. You will most certainly notice that the base level of the interlink is at 0. Be aware that you have the possibility of increasing your level of interlink up to 3 before executing the fusion of two characters. It is even highly recommended to do this during boss fights since the higher the interlink level, the more powerful your transformed characters will be, thus inflicting more damage.
Similarly, increasing the level of interlink to its maximum level allows you to add additional effects to the arts, in particular to achieve ejection and daze combos or to inflict a concussion on an enemy. If you've noticed the Interlink Level at the bottom left of your screen, you may be wondering how to increase it when fighting. We will explain the operation to you below, you will see that it is very simple!
★ Tip 1 – When performing the interlink between two characters, be aware that the role or class played by the two characters who interlinked matters. If the role is that of a protector, you will increase the hostility of enemies towards your transformation, while a fighter will allow you to inflict more damage on the enemies around you. The role of healer has the effect of regenerating life points to the group. The higher the interlink level before the transformation, the greater the bonus.
How do you increase the Ouroboros interlink level in Xenoblade Chronicles 3:
You could mistakenly think that it is enough to wait a little before interlinking to see the level increase. It doesn't work like that. You actually have to use art fusions. As you progress through the adventure, the game will let you know that you can merge two arts in combat. You just have to wait for two arts (a class art and a master art) to be fully loaded to combine them and make an art fusion by holding down the "ZR" button on your controller.
By performing three art fusions, you will increase the interlink level by 1. It will then be necessary to do at least 9 art fusions to reach level 3. Note that you can speed up the process via the tactics command "ZL key to ask your teammates to use fusion arts.
★ Tip 2 – At a certain stage of the adventure, combine the use of the level 3 interlink and the chain to perform a powerful attack while already transformed into Ouroboros. If you wait until the last moment until your opponent has no more life points, you will cause an annihilation and may cause the experience point percentage meter to explode!