During their adventures, the main protagonists of Xenoblade Chronicles 3 will have the possibility of equipping and using different classes. By equipping a new class, a character can use other arts and play a specific role in combat. An interesting feature of the game allows Noah and his companions to change clothing styles and change weapons using a new class.
It is from chapter 2 that they will discover as Ouroboros how to take on other roles during the fights. When you equip a class for a character, he therefore finds himself with a specific outfit. At this point in the game, you might be wondering if you can switch back to the original outfit at any time or equip a different one, here's what you need to know.
How to change character clothes in Xenoblade Chronicles 3:
Outfit changing becomes possible during Chapter 3 after completing the Hero Quest "The Value of Courage" when Ethel joins the party as a guest character (approximately 5-8 hours of gameplay). When you return to Camp Colony 4, you will now have the option to change your characters' outfits as you see fit (you will receive an on-screen notification). You will no longer be forced to wear only the clothes of the class you have equipped.
Once you have reached this point in the story of Xenoblade Chronicles 3, you can change the appearance of your characters from the "character" sub-menu and by selecting the new option that appears there "outfit". Note that an outfit is permanently unlocked when you have reached rank 10 of the selected class. Selected outfits will be visible in some scenes in the game, but not all of them, only those that are in real time.
Note that it is not possible to customize the clothes as you could do in the definitive version of Xenoblade Chronicles first of the name. Note, however, that if you have the first dlc of the expansion pass, you have access to alternate colors for existing outfits.