Injustice 2 test: the little fighting lesson of the darons of Mortal Kombat

Injustice 2 test: the little fighting lesson of the darons of Mortal KombatFor those who have never played Injustice, a little booster shot is in order. First of all, the foot/fist difference does not exist here, and only the power of the blows (weak, medium, strong) is taken into account. A choice that will undoubtedly tickle the purists of the genre, but we end up getting used to it over the fights. Regarding the guard, the developers have preferred to do in the classic - unlike Mortal Kombat - and therefore it will be enough to press in the opposite direction to our opponent to protect yourself. With choppes, aerial attacks and dashes, there is already a way to have fun for beginners. After, by digging a little, we discover some subtleties which we did not really expect; in any case, not in a fighting game signed NetherRealm Studios. There are cross-ups (jump in the back), counters, or even the wake-up game (staying on the ground for a few moments, getting up immediately by rolling, or executing a raised attack). With the Super gauge – divided into four bars – at the bottom of the screen, new possibilities open up to those who wish to express their full skill. For example, in exchange for a Super bar, you can now get out of a combo with a Parry-Dodge, and even roll off like The King of Fighters.

We hope Capcom has installed Injustice 2 kiosks on its premises, because NetherRealm Studios' fighting game is just the antithesis of Street Fighter 5 in terms of content. It's simple: the game is incredibly rich.

Injustice 2 test: the little fighting lesson of the darons of Mortal KombatAnother interesting subtlety to note: at the cost of two bars of Super, it is possible to get rid of an aerial combo. An addition that has the merit of balancing the debates, especially since we can now protect ourselves from interactions triggered via the sets. If the first Injustice made some early mistakes in terms of gameplay, we clearly feel that the series has matured. Gauge Burn attacks (the equivalent of EX blows in Street Fighter) are the perfect illustration of this, and there is no longer any question of rushing headlong into your opponent. Despite this desire to make Injustice 2 a game of first-rate fight, the developers wanted it to be as spectacular as its predecessor; and this goes through the Shock system which, in addition to representing a real tactical weapon, effectively reminds us that these are not baltringues who hit each other. Basically, provided you have started the second life gauge of your character, you can embark on a duel where everyone will have to bet a certain amount of Super. The goal is obviously to be the one who will sacrifice the most; yes friends, pure and hard mind game. If the player who initiated the Shock succeeds, the damage immediately behind will be heavier. On the other hand, if it is the one opposite who is doing the best, the latter will see his life bar skyrocket.


Injustice 2 test: the little fighting lesson of the darons of Mortal KombatOnce we have clearly identified the trick, we quickly understand that it is not systematically in our interest to cause a Shock. Indeed, it is taking the risk of putting our opponent back on track, and we have already had to deal with very disgusting turnarounds. Super Moves consuming all four Super bars are always in order, as are Character Perks that can make a difference. We admit that it is a bit indigestible to read for laymen – especially if you are taken cold – but the Injustice 2 tutorial allows you to practice your hand in complete serenity, really. Even the “Training” mode is well done: a whole bunch of options allow you to simulate any combat situation, and you can even record your sessions to dissect them with a clear head. Once you have (at least) grasped the basics of the game, you can try out the “Story” mode which, unsurprisingly, is based on the recipe imagined for Mortal Kombat (2011). Instead of embodying one and the same character from start to finish, the player is invited to slip into the skin of different protagonists, with cut scenes interspersed between the fights. Even when you don't worship superheroes, you have to admit that you get caught up in events that you don't miss a single crumb of. The dialogues in VO hurt, and NetherRealm Studios had the intelligence to get rid of QTEs that weren't of much use in Injustice.

Each powerful attack shakes the ground and cracks the walls, to the point of revealing a second combat zone when the foundations no longer hold.

Injustice 2 test: the little fighting lesson of the darons of Mortal KombatDuring the 5-6 hours that the "Story" mode lasts, certain scenes require you to choose between this or that character (Catwoman or Cyberg, Black Canary or Green Arrow, Blue Bettle or Firestorm for example), which encourages you to go back through the 12 chapters once the case is closed, to unlock the alternate ending. In short, a flawless performance that demonstrates that the solo is one of the priorities for Ed Boon and his acolytes, which is not the case for everyone – follow our gaze. Those who prefer to stay in their corner will no doubt be interested in the "Multiverse" mode. In fact, it's about exploring a multitude of parallel versions of the Earth by facing lots of opponents. The interest of these small strolls through the dimensions, it is to be able to recover objects to customize the fighters; customization not only aesthetic, but also having an impact on the superhero's skills (strength, capacity, defense, life). In order to encourage players to get their hands on rare items, secondary objectives are regularly offered. Yeah… If we had wanted to play an RPG, we wouldn't have turned to Injustice 2. And then, it reminds us of the gems of Street Fighter X Tekken, and we know how the story ended.



Injustice 2 test: the little fighting lesson of the darons of Mortal KombatIn any case, it does not seem to have posed the slightest problem to the organizers of EVO 2017, since the game is part of the selection. The "Tournament" mode to deactivate anything that could alter the stats of the characters, impossible for the participants to cry foul. It is therefore always useful to familiarize yourself with the strengths and weaknesses of each, knowing that the cast is made up of 28 fighters, plus Darkseid in DLC. We note that certain characters (Hawkgirl, Ares, Raven, Lex Luthor, Killer Frost, Solomon Grundy) have been asked to look elsewhere, in favor of other DC stars requested by the community. We naturally think of Brainiac, which appeared at the top of many wish lists, without forgetting Poison Ivy, Captain Cold, Firestorm, Blue Beetle, or even Black Canary. A wiser roster therefore, even if some will regret that the fairer sex is not better represented in terms of numbers. Anyway, the indestructible DLCs are there to rectify the situation, and we already know that Starfire will be part of the first batch alongside Sub-Zero and Red Hood. At present, releasing a tier list would be risky, but Aquaman and Flash seem out of category from what we have seen. To see over time.

Visually, Injustice 2 alternates between the good and the bad, as if the developers had not yet sufficiently taken the measure of the current machines.

Injustice 2 test: the little fighting lesson of the darons of Mortal KombatAs for the online game, the netcode is solid and it does not take forever to find an opponent. The Gear System can be deactivated, and among the various data displayed, a percentage indicates our chances of victory against our opponent. If it can avoid some frustrations, why not. There is also the "Guilds" mode intended for the creation of clans. Each of the members completes daily and weekly challenges to earn a maximum of bonuses specific to this mode, and improve the reputation of the group in the world ranking. Visually, Injustice 2 alternates between the good and the bad, as if the developers had not yet sufficiently taken the measure of the current machines. Apart from the Super-Coups which have nothing to envy to the traditional furies, it is especially the interaction with the decorations which impresses. The latter are full of elements that the characters can use to beat up their opponent, as in Brainiac's ship where there are barrels of explosives. Each powerful attack shakes the ground and cracks the walls, to the point of revealing a second combat zone when the foundations no longer hold.


Injustice 2 test: the little fighting lesson of the darons of Mortal KombatStrangely, this violence is not found in the blows whose impact is less. We can clearly see that NetherRealm Studios has made efforts in terms of animations, and the characters almost turn around when they eat a mammoth right; but we are still too close to the rigidity of a Mortal Kombat. With each dash/backdash, it feels like the characters have their feet stuck in the cement, which can complicate things in terms of timing. On the character design side, not all the protagonists are in the same boat, but we still observe a marked improvement compared to Injustice. Harley Quinn, Scarecrow, Brainiac and Swamp Thing come out on top. On the other hand, some faces (Superman, Catwoman among others) hurt the eyes. Sometimes you wonder who validated that.

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