Since the birth of the Killzone series (in 2004 on PS2 from memory), the Helghast empire and the colony of the ISA have been engaged in a formidable battle, which seems far from over. In Killzone Mercenary, the conflict is still topical but for the first time, the player will find himself torn between both sides, since this time he embodies a lawless mercenary who only responds to a only thing: the lure of profit. Times are tough and staying true to one party has become difficult these days. So certainly, the adventure starts on the side of the good guys, the ISA for those who take the train on the way, and the fact that we embody a human soldier leads us to believe that we will bump into Helghast for the 6 hours necessary to finish the game. But since the money can come from any side, why settle for obeying the orders of one and the same people? If the starting point seems interesting to weave a complex, even human story and above all full of twists and turns, the sequel is unfortunately disappointing, the scenario of Killzone Mercenary holding on a simple post-it. This is also one of the big weak points of the game, namely the lack of immersion of the player in this adventure that takes place without really asking questions. Fortunately, Killzone Mercenary has other arguments to make up for this lack of scriptwriting involvement...
Handsome kid
The first advantage of the FPS signed Guerrilla Cambridge is none other than its plastic; dream it will be said. Since its inception, the series has always been an excellent way for Sony to showcase the technical qualities of its machines and Killzone Mercenary is no exception to the rule. Ultra chiadé graphics, richness of the decorations, pyrotechnic effects with larigot and frame-rate of daron, the game is quite simply one of the most beautiful games of the PS Vita. Since Uncharted: Golden Abyss and WipEout 2048, we had not taken such a technical slap. To accentuate this excitement, the developers have also done a good job on the staging side, with non-stop action and a level design that allows both easy triggers to pull in the heap and more calm players. to protect themselves from heavy enemy fire. In this regard, artificial intelligence is rather tough as a whole. Not only are the opponents heavy-handed and swinging bursts of bullets after bursts of bullets, but in addition, they systematically act in excess. Staying hidden behind a low wall will unfortunately not be synonymous with security, the enemies not hesitating to come and dislodge you, even if it means playing suicidal.
Ultra chiadé graphics, richness of the decorations, pyrotechnic effects with larigot and frame-rate of daron, the game is quite simply one of the most beautiful games of the PS Vita. Since Uncharted: Golden Abyss and WipEout 2048, we haven't taken such a technical slap."
Fortunately, the mercenary that we play has a sizeable arsenal to show some resistance to the enemy onslaught. All you have to do is find BlackJack, the arms dealer (represented in the game by a cargo chest) to do your shopping and choose the type of weapons with which you want to go to war. Main and secondary weapon, grenade, armor or even van-guard system (drones, missiles, sentry, camouflage, shield) it is possible to customize your gear, for a fee. Because in Killzone Mercenary as in real life, nothing is free and money imposes its law. But don't worry, unlike the French system, the gambling system allows you to get rich very quickly. To do this, you just have to kill as many enemies as possible to inflate your wallet, knowing that headshots or even group massacres bring in more dough. A great opportunity for players who want to access large equipment quickly to kill with precision.
Money has no smell
In addition to this welcome RPG aspect, Killzone Mercenary does not forget to highlight the touch features of the PS Vita. The developers have therefore integrated a few gameplay tricks that allow them to break the usual and sustained rhythm of gunfights a little, by offering, for example, hand-to-hand combat. It's basically QTEs to be performed via the console's touchscreen, while some actions like sprinting or zooming with sniper weapons are triggered by touching the console's backpad. Similarly, all the puzzles (essentially hacking sequences) can also be done using your finger on the PS Vita screen, while the proposed system awakens our neurons. The efficiency of the gameplay is further supported by a simply marvelous grip due in fact to the presence of the two analog sticks. The feeling of playing an FPS as on a home console is simply identical and we progress in the adventure without ever complaining about hazardous manipulation.
In addition to this welcome RPG aspect, Killzone Mercenary does not forget to highlight the touch features of the PS Vita. The developers have therefore integrated a few gameplay tricks that allow them to break up the usual and sustained rhythm of gunfights..."
But Killzone Mercenary is not faultless either, starting with the lifespan of the single-player mode, short it goes without saying since it will take between 5 and 6 hours to complete the 9 missions of the game. If the difficulty is rather tough, we would have liked a few more bosses or imposing monsters, just to add an even more epic breath to the game. Of course, the experience is extended by the multiplayer mode, also well-honed by the Guerrilla Cambridge teams, which offer 3 different modes (Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch and Capture The Flag) where up to 8 players can kill each other on 6 different maps. It's quite stingy to tell the truth, but the levels are well thought out enough to have a great time with online friends. Special mention to the integration of the pecuniary system in the multi, which pushes to play intelligently to continue to grow its account-in-bank. Well seen what.