A true Microsoft bias that has caused a lot of ink to flow, Kinect enters every home as an Xbox One is sold. But apart from voice use on the interface of the new console, we can't really say that the motion sensor is at the center of players' concerns. Unless you're a die-hard Just Dance fan or enjoy the workouts of Xbox Fitness, other interactions with Kinect in games often boil down to moving a hand or tilting your head. Never mind ! Kinect Sports Rivals is determined to change the situation and convince you that you will no longer be able to do without the camera.
Of the head...
And from the first minutes, Kinect is put to the difficult test of cloning you! No Xbox LIVE avatar or character to make from scratch. With Kinect Sports Rivals, the sensor will do the job. Just stand in front of the camera before seeing yourself modeled in game after a few minutes. The creation of his double is inspired by the general chara-design of the game, in other words the result may surprise. Indeed, his avatar looks more like a caricature of himself crossed with Grichka Bogdanoff… At least for mine. Of course, it will always be possible to modify his features, change the color of his hair or adjust his hairiness. But still, it's pretty well done, Kinect 2.0 detecting even when you smile, open your mouth or close your fist. A clear progress compared to the Kinect of the Xbox 360. The same goes for poor light: the Xbox One sensor will adapt to the intensity of the room. The only criticism is that the playing distance is still a handicap. While we were promised the possibility of playing in any room configuration, to play Kinect Sports Rivals alone and especially with others, you will have to move the furniture or push the walls. Once the layout is done, we discover that the game will take place on an island where only 6 sports events await you, barely one more than Wii Sports released in 2006. But that has always been the number of sports available in every installment in the Kinect Sports series. It will therefore be necessary to be satisfied with bowling, football, tennis, jet-skiing, climbing and finally target shooting. Three disciplines that we knew in the Xbox 360 version and three new ones!
…at the feet !
Kinect Sports Rivals knows how to caress us in the direction of the hair, since from the start, the game invites us to try the best test of the game: the sea scooter. With the exception of Wii Sports Resort, the real last time you could ride a jet ski dates back to the GameCube era with the excellent Wave Race: Blue Storm. Why this comparison? Because this test of Kinect Sports Rivals is truly reminiscent of Nintendo's game. Shipwreck, jubilant public, explosive mines, jumps, acrobatics, bonuses and penalties, it's all there! The only notable difference is that we abandon the joystick in favor of the movements. Imagine yourself holding a handlebar, bring your left or right arm towards you to turn in the desired direction, open or close your hand to accelerate or brake. You are now ready to become a jet-ski pilot. And it is clear that Kinect Sports Rivals responds well to movement. The same goes for rock climbing, the second event you are about to discover. If it suffices here to grab the holds by stretching out your arm and opening your hand before closing it and lowering your arm to waist level, the capture is good even when you have to jump to catch holds. in height. Another discipline that does not require too much gymnastics: bowling. Traditionally, this is the most successful test in games of the genre and Kinect Sports Rivals is no exception to the rule. Only problem, it's warmed up! You will say to me: "like tennis!". Indeed, tennis is one of those irreducible events that can be found in any sports compilation. Where Wii Sports was able to seduce, Kinect Sports Rivals frustrates us enormously. The capture is imprecise in the forehand as in the backhand. We lose points stupidly because of too fast movements. As usual, Kinect does not like fast gestures and for tennis, the game prefers slow and ample movements, all that we do not do when miming a game of tennis. We have seen good and bad.
Let's get to the worst! First with target shooting. It's not that the test is failed because of the motion capture, it's just that it's bogus! By pointing his arm towards the screen, you will eliminate the targets. But above all, don't imagine that you will act as if you were shooting, mimicking the recoil of the gun. No no ! Just aim, the game shoots for you. Avoid the penalties and that's it. It sucks, not exciting for a penny but still better than football! With this event, we reach the climax of what not to do when compiling sports events. Of course, there is no question of playing a full match, nor even of embodying the 11 players of your team, it's not FIFA. When attacking, you will simply have to pass left, right or in the air depending on the location of the opposing dummies before striking the goal. In defense, you will only play as the goalkeeper waiting to hold out his hands towards the icon indicating the opposing shot. All this without rhythm, without precision, without interest and without difficulty. Due to poor choice of events and/or capture issues, the good stuff offered by Kinect Sports Rivals falls flat. We think in particular of the visuals of the game. The game is pleasant to watch, ultra colorful with water effects, lights embellished by HD, a dynamic and catchy soundtrack but that is not however what will push us to climb the different stages of the game to unlock new bonuses, equipment, clothing, or even to issue challenges to his friends. The height for a game that leans heavily towards multiplayer.