Having trouble finding the missing key fobs? Or maybe you would like to play with DaDiDou? Here you will find the complete and detailed list of bonuses to unlock in the game Kirby Triple Deluxe on Nintendo 3DS. Here no achievements or trophies but you will have to be very careful with the sunstones if you want to unlock the hidden levels. Complete the game 100% before playing multiplayer and impress all your friends!
Blooming flowers and Kirby Hyper Nova on the title screen
After completing Story Mode and watching the credits, each time you return to the Title Screen, the Magic Plant will now have pink flowers growing on it. After completing the game at 100%, you will be able to see Kirby running on the magic plant.
Kirby Hyper Nova on the title screen : Complete the game 100%.
New title screen : Complete level 6 and defeat the final boss.
Testing room for ability to copy powers
After clearing Story Mode, defeating the final boss, and watching the end credits, when you re-enter Story Mode a screen will appear telling you that the "Copy Ability Testing Room" is available. When Kirby is close to the "Fantastic Faerie" area on the game world map, press the down arrow to enter the test room. In this room you can choose between several other rooms, all representing a specific ability. You can also come to this room to pick up a particular ability and use it in certain levels.
Test room for copy ability : Complete level 6 and defeat the final boss.
The hidden level of Tam-Tam DaDiDou
In the world of Tam-Tam DaDiDou, there is a fourth level accessible only by earning all gold medals from the first three levels.
Hidden level of Tam-Tam DaDiDou : Obtain all the gold medals of the three levels of Tam-Tam DaDiDou.
EX Levels
Each area of the world map has a secret level. To unlock them, you need to collect all the sunstones (in their respective areas).
EX Levels : Collect all sunstones in each area.
After completing DaDiDou's adventures, you can use the jukebox in the main menu. The jukebox allows you to listen to all the music available in the game.
Jukebox : Complete "Adventures of DaDiDou".
Filing & Key rings
When you collect Keychains, in-game, they allow you to get a better rank on your saved profile.
New game modes
After completing the story mode, you will see new game modes appear in the main menu. Arena mode allows you to challenge defeated Mini-Bosses in EX Tiers. "The adventures of DaDiDou" is the second game mode, it allows you to replay the levels of the game with DaDiDou. Here the levels as well as the fights against the bosses are more difficult (Levels DX).
Unlock Arena : Complete level 6 and defeat the final boss.
Unlock "The Adventures of DaDiDou" : Complete level 6 and defeat the final boss.
Real Arena
After completing Arena mode and "DaDiDou's Adventure", you can now play "Real Arena" mode. In this mode, you fight the bosses of the game again but this time in DX version.
real arena : Complete Arena and "Adventures of DaDiDou" modes.
Unlock the hidden keychain
After having collected the 100 sunstones present on the classic levels and the special levels, a hidden keychain is offered to you in the game.
Queen Sectonia Keychain : Collect 100 sunstones.