Clearly, no. Contrary to what one might have thought, Mindscape did not let itself be tempted by a Lost in Blue-like which would have suited perfectly with the principle of the show. Instead, we are entitled to a kind of party game which asks us to chain the tests of comfort and immunity without any link or any logic. The former are supposed to give us an advantage (food, object, etc.) in the game that follows, although in reality, it is impossible to measure the contribution of a victory. On the other hand, losing immunity immediately punishes our team, a member being forced to leave the adventure at the end of a Council with obscure decisions. If successful, the game offers us however the possibility of eliminating an opponent from the opposing camp, while specifying the nature of the next challenge, and the specialties of each of our opponents. What offer us a small theoretical advantage a bit deceitful. The 24 more or less inspired tests follow each other until the fateful test of the posts, without any reunification, without any candidate in pain forced to leave the adventure, without any verbal clash, or even any famine to be satiated by a spoon of rice not cooked. In short, without the very essence of Koh-Lanta. However, the presence of Denis Brogniart as master of ceremonies and of Christelle, the winner of the last edition, could have brought a welcome semblance of immersion, but by striving to model the latter's chest as faithfully as possible, the developers have forgotten the essential: to offer a realization and a gameplay worthy of the name. The game clearly leaves a taste of unfinished with its physics engine at two francs six cents and its handling too perfectible to be qualified as successful. In these circumstances, difficult to find a semblance of fun. If certain challenges are raised without too much problem (shooting and running, in particular), others are however less docile like the excavations or the phase in the canoe which suffers more from this undeniable lack of finish. And even the argument of the Wii Balance Board will not be able to create a diversion.