Here are a few tips and tricks to complete your investigation.
Avoid bad choices
Here are some tips and tricks to complete your investigation
For many interrogations you can get up, exit the building and force the game to autosave. Here are a few tips and tricks to complete your investigation Return to the interrogation and start over. If you make a bad choice, return to the main menu or restart the game. You will return to the save point, just before your failed interrogation.
Liquor bottles are not clues
Don't waste your time on items like cigarette butts, empty bottles or that sort of thing. At a crime scene, they're just there to distract you.
Chase scenes
When you're chasing a suspect on foot or in a car, don't let go of the button, which keeps you focused on your prey. This makes chase scenes much easier.
When approaching your suspect on foot, press your tackle button several times to be sure to catch your prey when it is within range.
In a car chase, stand next to your suspect's car for your partner to shoot him. If he hits a tire, you'll hear a punctured tire, and your suspect's car will slow down. A faster way to stop a suspect in a car is to run into him from the rear, left or right side, so that he loses control of the vehicle. Throwing your car into the side of your suspect at an intersection is also a good way to stop him.
If you're tired of your partner complaining about how you ride, leave him on the sidelines and don't give him a chance to ride alongside you. It will be transported automatically once you arrive at your destination.
Where to find the logs:
Search where indicated to find the corresponding journal.
After reflexion : To the right of the alley wall, at the first crime scene.
Driver's seat : On the dining room table, inside the Black Residence
A wedding in paradise : On the bar, inside the “Ray” café.
The Fallen Idol : On the workbench in the warehouse area of Silver Screen.
The Lipstick Murder : Next to the front door of the Henry Residence
White Shoe Massacre : In Stuart Ackerman's cabin, in the "Hobo" area.
The Black Caesar : On the desk in the Ramez Removal shed
The Trap : On the training table at the stadium.
A walk on the Champs Elysées : Search near the right corner of the lawn of the Morelli house
A Polite Invitation : On Leland Monroe's desk, when you search that house.
A Different Kind of War : On the front counter.
A Different Kind of War: On Harlan Fontaine's desk, at the crime scene.