No need to glean signs by looking back on the history of the franchise Max Payne, a textbook case par excellence when it comes to evoking one of the first appearances of bullet time in action games. And if the memory has failed since the release of Max Payne 2 : The Fall of Max Payne on PC in 2003, Wikipedia is there to put the ideas in order. In Max Payne 3, as in the majority of works by Rockstar Games, moreover, the narration occupies a place of choice and is put at the service of a scenario sculpted by Dan Houser, already at the origin of the fabulous story of Red Dead Redemption. In this third episode of the series, Max is unrecognizable, and for good reason: his handsome features have been ravaged by alcohol, painkillers and the remorse he feels since the death of his wife and child. It has now been twelve years since the ex-cop from New York left the United States for São Paulo, where he is responsible for the security of Rodrigo Branco, a wealthy businessman whose depth of portfolio naturally arouses lust. gangs. But his greatest trophy remains his wife Fabiana, even if he is aware that his fortune can never buy his love. The plot of Max Payne 3 rests on the shoulders of other protagonists that we will not reveal here, and who contribute to the richness of the gaming universe. Never has Brazil been so well transcribed in a video game, social evenings aboard a destitute luxury yacht that eats the favelas. And then, as is often the case with the heroes of Rockstar Games, we are entitled to an archi-charismatic Max with hard-hitting replicas. The player is immersed in the heart of his moods over the fourteen chapters that make up the adventure, and it is with a certain emotion - not as strong as for Red Dead Redemption, it's true - put the joystick down once Max Payne 3 loop. A habit with the Houser brothers.
Never has Brazil been so well transcribed in a video game, from social evenings aboard a luxury yacht to the misery that eats the favelas."
Far beyond the quality of its script, Max Payne 3 also relies on solid, oiled, reinforced concrete gameplay. We obviously think of bullet time which is part of the foundations of the series. By multiplying the frags, it is indeed possible to fill the Adrenaline gauge before pressing LB/L1, and thus slow down time in order to better adjust the enemies. Since Rockstar Games was keen not to deny the origins of the license, the Shootdodge – the famous legendary dive – has also been kept, story that Max slams a few headshots with class. But contrary to what one might think, this signature move is above all a formidable means of defense, since it allows you to move from one hideout to another while continuing to water the opponents. The level design of Max Payne 3 the sublime effectively, and since the environments are destructible, diving through glass is an option when you find yourself backed up against a wall. Speaking of scenery, those in the game don't forget to be interactive, and between the gas pumps that Max can blow up, the gas canisters placed here and there, or even the lifts likely to collapse on the antagonists, there are several ways to save ammunition. There where Max Payne 3 strong as well as it is not really a revolution, it is at the level of the AI which is dynamic, that is to say that the reactions of the enemies will be different depending on the class to which they belong. If it is easy to shoot small strikes from the favelas who take themselves for GIs, on the other hand, one bites severely in the face of overtrained paramilitaries. Already because they don't rush headlong into Max, and then because they don't hesitate to take him from behind to force him out of his hiding place.
Payne perdue
The equipment is not the same either: if the scum of the corner will be satisfied with shorts, a t-shirt and a pair of flip-flops, the real soldiers will bring themselves a protective vest. balls, a protective helmet or even a pair of leggings before going into battle. As a result, the gunfights vary in intensity and force you to constantly switch weapons so as not to bite the dust. In this regard, Max's arsenal does not really change from what we can see in the competition in the end, but the game's physics engine makes the distinction between a shotgun and a magnum. In other words, the character will find it much more difficult to move while carrying heavy weapons, an even more implacable observation when one opts for a high level of difficulty, where the slightest approximation can be fatal. The weight of the weapons is also taken into account when you find yourself on the ground: targeting is more delicate and each movement requires twice as much effort from Max. In these circumstances, the 360° aim is a great help, and by tilting the right stick it is possible to shoot in any position, before getting up and continuing on your way. To increase the power of his shots, the hero has the choice of seizing two weapons at the same time, which is only valid for so-called light ones. Ammunition goes faster too, but it's an opportunity to admire the kill cam that can be activated by pressing A / Cross each time you eliminate the last enemy in the area. Max Payne 3 clearly has action to spare and there's no shortage of tough scenes, like when Max has to cover his pal Raul Passos with a sniper in the stands of a football stadium, or when you come face to face with the paramilitaries on board the tram from São Paulo airport; without forgetting the scene where the two accomplices are chased by the terrorists in a speedboat.
Since we have to talk about the graphics, those of Max Payne 3 display incredibly rich textures, especially when you set foot in the favelas."
That said, exploration has not been left aside and it is essential to search every corner, not only to reconstitute the golden weapons, but also and above all to flush out the famous painkillers to which Max has become addicted, and which allow you to recover your health. Moreover, this is measured by means of a pictogram on which it is necessary to regularly take a look, as the events are sometimes linked together at the speed of light. Dependent as he is, the ex-cop is able to build up a small stock of painkillers, which gives the player two options: either press the directional pad up to heal the man's wounds, or get over it. what amounts to a vendetta. More concretely, when the character is about to die after being shot, he has a final chance to shoot down the enemy who fired the last shot, all in a slow motion sequence. Where the exercise turns out to be quite perilous is that the angle of the shot depends greatly on the impact of the ball received by Max. Indeed, his fall varies depending on whether he is hit in the shoulder or knee for example, and in an environment where the field of vision is not clear, this tactic is not really profitable. In this case, it is much preferable to swallow the analgesics yourself, even if it means having the impression of over-consuming them. Especially since spotting and then targeting the author of the last bullet is not necessarily easy, especially with traitors hiding behind a cardboard box at the other end of the room. Still, that's what makes the shootings Max Payne 3 also exhilarating. Anyway, if the last stand works, the game resumes with less painkiller, just after a little kill cam as long as it takes. Otherwise, it's game over.
I live in Brazil
Since we have to talk about the graphics, those of Max Payne 3 display incredibly rich textures, especially when you set foot in the favelas. This poverty that rots the Brazilian slums is almost palpable, and Rockstar Games had the intelligence to use its mastery of the open world, to make the alleys even more alive. Two kids who improvise a football match on a vacant lot, drunks who fight over a bottle of alcohol, inhabitants who close the shutters as soon as Max approaches their home, the clubbers who flee when the thugs do burst into the nightclub, we know what influences inspired the developers of the game. skin this visual spectacle. The transitions between the cut scenes and the game phases are done with exemplary fluidity, and this graphic treatment - very caliente at times - increases in power as we approach the final outcome. Ah yes, hats off also for this grandiose soundtrack which transports the player over the wanderings of Max, and there are pieces that really mark the spirits, like those of the nightclub or the main theme of the game, to make it short and direct. Finally, we can't finish this test of Max Payne 3 not to mention the multiplayer mode. Almost everything has already been said about multiplayer games, and those who wish to reminisce about the planned festivities can go here and there. We will just remember the addition of the Crews system which offers the opportunity to join up to five clans, with a clear difference between private and public Crews. The former will be reserved for friends only, while the latter will not require any membership criteria. And as Rockstar Games had specified in the past, the Crews will extend to the rest of its productions, GTA 5 on your mind.