Below is the complete list of Trophies, Achievements and Cheats to unlock in the game Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes on Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS4 and PS3. The title is announced as a prologue to Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain, which should be released later in 2014 or even in 2015, which explains the reduced number of Achievements to be obtained. You will therefore have to complete all missions, in rank S please, including Side Ops and Extra Ops.
Trophées & Succès metal gear solid ground zeroes
Astuces xbox one, ps4, Xbox 360 & ps3
Reunion - 50G
Join Chico or Paz.
Downfall - 50G
Terminer la mission « Ground Zeroes ».
Genesis - 50G
Complete a Side Op or Extra Op.
Accomplished - 50G
Complete all missions (including Side Ops and Extra Ops.
Skilled - 100G
Complete any mission with an S rank.
Hero - 250G
Complete all S Rank missions (including Side Ops and Extra Ops).
Rescue - 50G
Rescue the prisoner who is going to be executed and extract him via the chopper in "Ground Zeroes".
Depth - 50G
Complete the Side Op mission "Eliminate the Renegade Threat" by evacuating both targets.
Pacifist - 50G
Complete the Side Op mission "Intel Operative Rescue" without killing a single enemy.
Infiltration - 50G
Complete the Side Op mission "Classified Intel Acquisition" while in the back of a truck.
Extraction - 50G
Rescue and extract all prisoners via helicopter in the Side Op mission "Destroy the Anti-Air Locations".
Hidden - 50G
Complete the Extra Op mission "Never Seen" without being spotted.
Unlocked - 50G
Unlock all stages.
Information - 50G
Obtain all tapes.
Insignia - 50G
Obtain all XOF patches.