Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor transports you to the universe of The Lord of the Rings, between the adventures of the Hobbit and those of The Lord of the Rings. Play as Tallion, an assassin seeking revenge after the death of his family. In addition to accomplishing the mission of this Ranger of Gondor, you have the possibility of unlocking all the trophies available in the game. There are 56 of these achievements, which will give you a hard time. You just have to look down to see what it is.
Shadow of Mordor: tips and cheat codes for the game
The path of the dead
Collect 25% of Artifacts.
Crowned with bright light
Collect 50% of the Ithildin.
Infamous Rebels
Mark 5 Bodyguards to turn on their Warchief in battle.
The Maker's Bow
Complete all Legend of Azkâr Missions.
The Legend of the Creator
Complete an Arc Mission and give birth to the legend of Azkâr.
Aim straight
Unlock 2 Arc Rune slots.
Gorthaur the Cruel
Destroy the Porte-Monument and overthrow the statue of Sauron.
The Last Shadow
Complete all of Acharn's Legend Missions.
Shadow Legend
Complete a Dagger Mission and birth the legend of Acharn.
The Price of Blood
Unlock 4 Dagger Rune slots.
The height of despair
Use aerial elimination from at least 20 meters above your target.
You will obey
Submit an Uruk.
dark party
Poison a Captain at his own feast.
Souvenirs d'Eregion
Activate all Forge Towers
The Jaws of Death
Lure Caragors using bait 5 times.
The Clear Master
Discover a part of the Specter's past
Flee, you fools!
Scare away 20 Uruks by knocking down Morgai Fly nests
The Iron of Death
Threaten death, then execute your target.
Free 5 Caragors from their cage.
Spirit of Mordor
Start a riot by ordering a Warchief to attack another Warchief.
Morannon Scout
Successfully complete a Survival Challenge
The excitement of the hunt
Successfully complete 4 Hunting Challenges
Lord and Master
Mark all 5 Warchiefs
And it's burning, burning, burning
Use the detonation skill to burn 50 Uruks.
The White Rider
Free 30 slaves in 180 seconds while riding a Caragor.
Against all hope
Save Lathariel's life.
Divide and rule
Eliminate the bodyguards of two Warchiefs, then lure them out and kill them.
To rule them all
Witness the creation of the Rings of Power
A new Master
In combat, score a Captain.
Brilliant Lightbringer
Collect 100% of the Ithildin.
Rodeur de l'Ithilien
Complete all Survival Challenges.
master of nature
Complete all Hunting Challenges.
The free people
Complete an Outcast Rescue Mission.
Complete all of the Exiled Rescue Missions.
Blood Revenge
Complete a Vendetta Mission
A Mighty Destiny
Obtain a level 25 Rune.
Vacant power
Kill the 5 Warchiefs before Uruks replace them.
Shadows of a distant past
Collect 100% of the Artifacts and listen to their memories.
The Great and Powerful Ratbag
Get Ratbag promoted to Warchief
Power is not in numbers
Help a Captain survive a power struggle in recruitment, then kill him and all his recruits.
The Fire of Justice
Complete all Legend of Urfael Missions.
The Legend of Revenge
Complete a Sword Mission and give birth to the legend of Urfael.
cold light
Unlock 3 Sword Rune slots.
The White Wizard
Lift Lady Marwen's curse.
The Hand is severed
Kill the Black Hand.
For my brother
Kill the Great White Graug.
The rise and fall
Help an Uruk promoted to Captain after killing you to become Warchief, then kill him.
The Tower is collapsing
Kill the Tower.
The Fall of the Hammer
Kill the Hammer
burning revenge
Perform an execution on a Burning Berserker.
Graug heel
Take advantage of a Warchief's fear.