You will find below the complete list of Trophies, Achievements and Tips to unlock in the game Minecraft on Xbox 360. You will have to make the most of your talent for crafting if you want to hope to recover all the Achievements of the game, in particular by making a Nether portal, a wagon and a train track, but also something to ride on a pig!
Trophies & Achievements Minecraft
Xbox 360 tips
Inventory Mastery - 10G
Open your inventory.
Logging - 10 G
Hit a tree until a block of wood appears.
Manufacture - 10g
Craft a workshop out of four wooden plank blocks.
Good looks - 10 G
Use planks and sticks to craft a pickaxe.
Hot Topic - 15G
Build an oven with eight blocks of cut stone.
New Material - 15G
Melt an iron ingot.
A little culture ! - 10G
Use planks and sticks to craft a hoe.
Taken out of the oven - 20 G
Turn wheat into bread.
Grandpa cake - 40 G
Bake a cake with flour, sugar, milk and eggs!
Better is better - 15 G
Craft a better quality pickaxe.
Delicious fish - 15 G
Catch a fish and cook it!
On Track - 40G
Travel by wagon to a destination at least 500m from your starting point.
The pen or the sword - 10 G
Use planks and sticks to craft a sword.
Monster Hunter - 20G
Attack and destroy a monster.
Badass - 15 G
Collect leather.
Flying Pigs - 40 G
Saddle a pig, then have it take fall damage as you mount it.
Pack Leader - 30G
Tame five wolves.
MOAR Tools - 15 G
Craft one of each type (a pickaxe, a shovel, an axe, and a hoe).
Prodigality - 20 G
Build a Dispenser.
Nether-minus - 40 G
Build a Nether Portal.