While exploring the different regions of Calradia in the game Mount & Blade 2 Bannerlord, you will often come across looters and bandits ready to rob you… Fortunately, you have the possibility of defending yourself so that this does not happen! Face these hostile groups by recruiting allies in the various colonies and in the cities and by improving your equipment. It is you then who will find yourself hunting raiders across the map or performing surprise raids on their lairs at night.
After defeating them, some of them will surrender and you can choose to take them as prisoners. But what to do with them then? There are two options available to you, sell them or convince them to join your army. This Mount & Blade 2 Bannerlord guide explains how you can sell your prisoners to make some money or how to enlist them in your own faction.
How to sell prisoners in Mount & Blade 2 Bannerlord:
Since the game explains little, you might come to wonder how you can sell the prisoners you capture for a good price. It's quite simple actually, you have to go to the big cities of Calradia, not the small settlements. When you are in town, select the option "go to the tavern area". If you have prisoners with you, you will see the option to “ransom prisoners” with the amount you will get in return displayed next to it.
How to recruit prisoners in Mount & Blade 2 Bannerlord:
Your POWs can join your own army. However, they will not join you immediately after being captured unless they volunteer. Enrollment happens over time. Simply keep the prisoners with you without reselling them in a tavern and you will see after a while by consulting the "group tab" that your prisoners become recruitable. Be careful though, by doing this your "group morale" will drop. It is better to recruit the bandits you capture to complete a secondary request that requires it or if you have lost too many soldiers during a battle and you need replacement troops quickly.