The Switch struggles to display the game correctly, with a completely strawberry 3D engine, an aliasing festival and incredibly violent clipping. But that's not all, the artistic direction does not manage to save the technical wanderings, with a flagrant lack of homogeneity, especially since the whole thing seems both garish and in bad taste. As for the frame-rate, it is also picking up, with many falls, especially during the motorcycle phases. Some media like Gamespot, IGN or Jeuxvideo.com do not forgive him for this dated achievement, and their sanction has been irrevocable.
One would have thought that the game is catching up in its gameplay, but we have to believe that Suda51 no longer really had faith, since the game does nothing but tirelessly repeat the same structure: arenas to clean and which have all been copied- pasted without any reflection. Likewise, the aliens who act as bosses are singularly lacking in charisma and are also disappointing on this point. There remains the fights which are still as pleasant, even enjoyable, but that will not be enough to make No More Heroes 3 a convincing episode. It is perhaps no coincidence that Suda51 announced the end of the series in stride... Come on, without further ado, here are all the scores obtained: