Update of our import test carried out on November 14, 2006.
From the first minutes of the game, the player is projected into a Japan with feudal scents where museum prints come to life through the narration of the legend to which the village of Kamiki is attached. Already 100 years have passed since the terrible fight between the 8-headed snake-demon Orochi and Nagi, brave warrior who, to save his beautiful from the annual sacrifice, challenged the monster. Helped by Shiranui, a white wolf sent by the deities, Orochi was defeated and his soul locked up in the sword of the brave before being sealed in the rock of his lair, the cave of the Moon. The peace that reigned over the village is now coming to an end with the passage of an unbeliever who removes the legendary sword and thus spreads darkness over the lands of Japan. Protected by Sakura - the spirit of the forest - Kamiki still resists. Calling on her last strength, Sakura summons Amaterasu, goddess of the sun and light, so that she can once again enlighten the world and restore its essence of beauty. As you will have understood, the Amaterasu in this story is not a Goa'uld from Stargate SG 1! Referencing Japanese mythology, the goddess you lead in the game has dropped her representative form of a luminously beautiful woman to take on that of a scarlet-furred wolf. Okami Amaterasu will be assisted by Issun, an artistic insect who agrees to leave behind Sakura's pretty neckline to accompany our wolf in his search for the 13 deities. Each will allow him to master a celestial technique of brushwork, essential to the accomplishment of his mission.
Garage loup
The symbols and metaphors are very present in the game. The title itself is linked to several interpretations: Okami which means "wolf", and kami which translates as "paper" but which also means "divinity", hence the name of the goddess Amaterasu Ômikami. There is no doubt that the artistic power of our white furry animal is the ultimate weapon against the forces of darkness. Like a god, however, Amaterasu will not say "let there be light" but will create with the stroke of a brush. The reference to mythology is obvious with the character of Susano, a direct descendant of Nagi: in Japanese mythology, Susano is none other than the turbulent and hated brother of Amaterasu, banished from the world of the gods and who married a young girl after saving him from the clutches of an eight-headed, eight-tailed monster, known as Yamata no Orochi. Not ignoring Japanese tradition, the beauty of the environment in which the game evolves shows that nature has a special place in Okami. While reminding us of the fight for nature, a theme dear to the famous Hayao Miyazaki (Princess mononoke, Nausicaa, or more recently the Howl's Moving Castle), Okami takes us through a panorama of Shinto culture through the importance of rites with, among other things, the annual moon festival. Above all, the pantheon of 13 deities is represented by animals with whimsical looks and different personalities who sometimes approach Chinese deities (monkeys reminiscent of the monkey king, the deity on a wheel reminiscent of the immortal Nezha moving on a wheel of fire).
Make your way
Directing Amaterasu is a real pleasure, from its furrow will appear vegetation and making our furry ball sprint will therefore allow you to sketch a flowery nature. From his jumps will fall autumn leaves and sometimes an ink line. After getting started fairly quickly, you will be able to taste the paradox of action associated with the zenitude of calligraphy. Holding down the R1 key freezes the calligraphy decor on a traditional paper background with the almost perceptible feel of traditional rice paper. During these moments when time is stopped, it will be possible to admire these ink jets that make up the illustrations from all angles, and like a fiery artist to touch their personal touch. Thus, among the possible activities you will regenerate and heal diseased trees, clean the land of evil residues, and learn to make day and night. You will be able to use your talents as a mono-color colorist during subsidiary quests or during combat by painting the characters, but also play the samurai with a vigorous line (with a horizontal line, you strike a blow similar to the saber) or the artificer to discover hidden treasures.
The childhood of the first doodles finds meaning here when, with great application, the dots are affixed to the missing eye of a soft toy, or when the player proudly completes a constellation to see an animal with divine genetics appear. (we are far from the Knights of the Zodiac…). A certain satisfaction can also be experienced when the graffiti on a wall is none other than the mask drawn by your skillful push to be able to penetrate the enemy's lair. Bringing well-being by composing with nature will gradually be allowed to you over the course of your adventures, and it is not without hope that many are those who will place their faith in the wolf god. Difficult for gentlemen to get out of the game when the wishes of a buxom priestess will be exposed to you like the beautiful fruits that nature can offer us. Thus you will observe Issun, a great lover of sweets, say or rather express in yogurt language: "Oh beautiful melons!" (yes, Issun likes metaphors…). You don't need to understand the language of yogurt to capture feelings of joy, sadness, fear or melancholy. The game's superb music alone captures the wide emotional palette of humankind. Say goodbye to voice-overs to be translated into all languages, which is undoubtedly a saving factor without affecting the quality of the game. which alludes to the logo of the studio on the sidelines of disappearing (a very questionable decision by Capcom after such a masterpiece).
The Pact of the Wolves
Okami offered himself a well-crafted scenario based on chance and destiny. Endearing caricatures and encounters of all kinds will draw a smile or even a bliss on many lips. Thus the serenity that surrounds Japanese culture is strongly felt thanks to the representation of life cycles through the skilful intergenerational palette, but also the importance of the fact that each thing occupies a precise place in a worked order. Amaterasu's perpetual journey to the heart of a world of mysticism and endearing folklore corresponds well to that which a lone wolf can undertake. Our Okami is nonetheless an animal whose cousin is man's best friend: he barks, lies down from time to time, digs to unearth a reward, and is surprised with a natural naivety at his discoveries. . Amaterasu remains indomitable and allows himself small, understandable quirks such as biting out of curiosity or showing compassion for other animals while feeding them. Issun, through his comical interventions, plays down the melancholy side by bringing a light touch with his rather hilarious and sometimes even salacious comments. We will not fail to notice that Okami has a lot in common with Nintendo's Zelda. Like Link, Amaterasu goes on a quest to save the world, solves puzzles, evolves his character in a vast world, breaks pots or helps himself in nature to recover money or food, has a limited dip time and can even fish. However the tone of the dialogues as well as the comments of Issun adds a point of humor rather intended to distract an adult public. The energy and reserve capacities can evolve according to the accumulated happiness orbs. The stored wealth will allow you to acquire goods from the many merchants present on all the sites (yes, trade has no borders), or to pay for lessons with the old master and thus develop physical and combat skills.
The bewitching atmosphere of the game owes to graphics that are both primary and sophisticated, without ever going into a colorful surplus, but above all to an admirable soundtrack that lends itself to all emotions and awakens an unequivocal lyricism of which only the poems have the secret. The cel-shading acts for the dynamics of the fights, while preserving this effect of living print. The camera movements sometimes not adapted during confrontation scenes are quickly forgiven by a very easy recovery of the right angle possible thanks to very fluid and intuitive movements. Switching to calligraphy mode allows you to move your point of view and admire the aesthetics of the environment without having to work hard to be able to do your brushstroke behind your left paw. The level of difficulty is quite soft and will easily suit players who are not trained in games of The King of Fighters. By playing Okami, the pleasure will not come from the much sought-after victory over a monster, but from all its side missions allowing you to evolve in the universes without ever getting tired. More than just entertainment, Okami is an experience to be savored.