Overwatch is the new Eldorado for Blizzard Entertainment which has seduced the gaming masses with its quirky universe and its sexy heroines. The game is selling like hot cakes, and has even had the luxury of sinking its direct competitor Battleborn, which no longer attracts many people. But to prove to everyone that the king of the servers is you, you will have to have succeeded in completing the game at 100%. Lucky for you, we explain how to get all the trophies right here.
Overwatch: tips, cheat codes and trophies of the game
Platinum Category
Overwatch Platinum Trophy
Collect all other Overwatch trophies.
Gold Category
Get 100 wins in Quick or Competitive Play.
Silver Category
50 level
Reach level 50.
The grim Reaper
Get a 20 kill streak without dying in Quick or Competitive Play.
Dual purpose
Capture both objectives in a Capture-type match without dying in Quick or Competitive Match.
Don't touch my convoy
Prevent the opposing team from touching the convoy for 1 minute in quick or competitive play.
Crushing victory
Win a Control-type Quick or Competitive match without the enemy capturing an objective.
Bronze Category
Win a quick or competitive game on 12 different maps.
Under escort
Advance a convoy 100 meters without moving away from it in a quick or competitive game.
hot coals
Land 3 killing blows with Lúcio's Wall Ride without dying in Quick or Competitive Play.
Block 1000 damage in a single Wall of Sound with Lúcio in Quick or Competitive Match.
Restore 200 health to 5 players with Ange without dying in Quick or Competitive Play.
big floor
Resurrect 4 players at the same time with Ange in quick or competitive play.
Multiple choice
Hit an enemy with 7 beams simultaneously with Symmetra in Quick or Competitive play.
great success
Teleport 20 players with Symmetra in a single Quick or Competitive match.
sow discord
Get 4 kills or supports in 6 seconds with Orb of Discord in Quick or Competitive Play.
The iris hugs you
Restore 1500 health in a single Transcendence as Zenyatta in Quick or Competitive play.
Win a fast-paced or competitive capture-type game in defense without losing the first objective.
Road closed
Destroy 3 Symmetra Teleporters in a single Quick or Competitive match.
Recover 900 life points without dying thanks to the health kits in quick or competitive play.
Earn 50 Endgame Medals in Quick or Competitive Play.
Acquire 21 endgame cards in Quick or Competitive play.
Spoils of war
Unlock 50 rewards for the same hero.
Die! Die! Die!
Kill 4 enemies with a single Death Reaper Blossom in Quick or Competitive play.
A small cube...
Kill 4 enemies with a single Genji Dragonblade in Quick or Competitive play.
The enemy of my enemy
Kill 2 enemies in a single use of Genji's Riposte in Quick or Competitive play.
Do not spoil
Get 3 solo kills in one Undertaker shot with Reaper in Quick or Competitive play.
Calms you !
Stop an enemy ultimate with McCree's Flash Grenade in Quick or Competitive.
A last wish?
Land 4 killing blows in one use of McCree's Relentless in Quick or Competitive play.
Death comes from above
Kill 4 enemies in a row without touching the ground with Pharah in quick or competitive game.
Spring cleaning
Kill an enemy by knocking them back with Pharah's Conflagration in Quick or Competitive play.
Team Rocket
Score 2 fatal hits in one LX Rocket shot with Soldier: 76 in Quick or Competitive play.
Targets identified
Kill 4 enemies with a single Soldier Tactical Visor: 76 in Quick or Competitive play.
Emergency reminder
Recover 400 health with Tracer's Recall without dying in Quick or Competitive Play.
Special delivery
Stick 4 Pulse Bombs on enemies with Tracer in a single Quick or Competitive match.
Triple threat
Kill 2 enemies in each Stronghold configuration without dying in Quick or Competitive Match.
Kill 4 enemies in a single Configuration: tank with Bastion in quick or competitive match.
Angle of attack
Land 2 fatal blows in one Thousand Arrow shot with Hanzo in Quick or Competitive play.
The dragon is satisfied
Kill 4 enemies in one use of Dragon Strike with Hanzo in Quick or Competitive play.
Throw 1 enemy into Steel Trap with Jackal's Incapacitating Mine in Quick or Competitive Match.
Road accident
Kill 4 enemies in a single use of Pneumastic with Jackal in Quick or Competitive play.
The Ice Queen
Block 1200 damage in a single Ice Wall with Mei in Quick or Competitive Match.
The Ice Age
Freeze 4 enemies at the same time with Mei in quick or competitive play.
Missed Raid
Kill 4 enemies in one use of Molten Core with Torbjörn in Quick or Competitive Match.
modern day knight
Place a Torbjörn Armor Module on 5 allies at the same time, in quick or competitive play.
It stings, it throws...
Kill 4 enemies using poison mines with Widowmaker in a single Quick or Competitive match.
Very soflty
Kill an enemy with a scoped headshot from the air in Quick or Competitive Play.
Arrested in mid-flight
Parry 1500 damage with D.Va's Defensive Matrix in Quick or Competitive Match.
Game over
Kill 4 enemies in a single use of Self-Destruct with D.Va in Quick or Competitive Match.
Full screen
Block 8000 damage without dying with Reinhardt's Screen in Quick or Competitive Play.
Shock and awe
Enemy stunned by Seismic Shock hit by Fire Strike and Charge in Quick or Competitive Match.
Back in the bacon
Interrupt an enemy ultimate ability with Chopper's Stalker in Quick or Competitive Match.
Like a pig at the slaughterhouse
Kill 2 enemies by knocking them back with Chopper's Slayer in Quick or Competitive Match.
Destroy 10 turrets or traps without dying with Tesla Cannon in Quick or Competitive Play.
An angry monkey
Damage 6 enemies with a single Primal Rage with Winston in Quick or Competitive play.
overwhelming power
Maintain Particle Cannon at +70% Energy for 1 minute in Quick or Competitive Play.
the laws of attraction
Trap 5 enemies in one use of Graviton Orb with Zarya in Quick or Competitive play.
10 level
Reach level 10.
25 level
Reach level 25.
For sharing
Play a quick or competitive game in a squad with a friend.