It has now been proven that for the past few years, Ubisoft has been making progress in small steps. Whether in terms of its line-up or the gameplay ideas that run its games, the publisher is extremely attentive to what works with its audience. After the surprise success of Rayman Origins and its return to the sources of the series, no one was surprised by the announcement of a second episode called Rayman Legends. If we logically expected a game of good quality, no one saw Ubisoft hitting so hard. Because by relying on the achievements of Rayman Origins, on what pleased the players, it has just set a new milestone of excellence for the genre. This number 2 therefore takes up in the majority the recipe of the first. We are therefore still dealing with an old-fashioned platform game, in 2D, which relies above all on its level-design and its rhythm to hit the mark. After saving the Crossroads of Dreams for the first time, Rayman, Globox and the Teensies had the brilliant idea of falling asleep. A long time. Kind for 1000 years. As a result, the Nightmares have returned and we will once again have to clean up.
Because the first quality of Rayman Legends is obvious, it is obviously its visual rendering, still above what the already magnificent Rayman Origins could offer.
This is a good pretext scenario to take us through new lands, trying to stay focused on the action. Because the first quality of Rayman Legends is obvious, it is obviously its visual rendering, still above what the already magnificent Rayman Origins could offer. Obviously far from being satisfied, the developers of Ubi Montpellier have tweaked their Ubi Art Framework (a tool definitely full of surprises) to offer players a 2D with surprising depth, by adding some 3D elements from right to left (in particular during boss fights) and multiplying parallaxes as vivid and detailed as the foreground. It does not swear with the artistic direction always so sumptuous, and the whole remains of an exemplary fluidity, even in the ultra-fast levels, and there are some. Without pumping up what has already been done, Rayman Legends manages to offer the player new environments in line with what has already been done so as not to confuse the regulars. 20 Leagues Under the Sea, Dungeons & Dragons or even Greek mythology: these are some of the universes that have inspired the levels of the game. In addition, if the heroes have the same movements as in Rayman Origins, they have seen their animations be reworked in detail. It's fine, it's colorful, lively, stuffed with funky details, fluid, original: in short, Rayman Legends is a real visual candy whose consumption should not even be moderated.
Murphy, a friend who wishes you well
If the graphic aspect of Rayman Legends therefore reaches new heights, it is also the case of its gameplay, which has found a second wind and this, it must be said, thanks to the specificities of the Wii U. If the title was indeed released on Xbox 360 and PS3 (much to the chagrin of Nintendo players who therefore had to wait for their version), it is to the Nintendo console that we owe the creation of Murphy. This new character, halfway between the leprechaun and the frog, can be played by a player to help the other(s) through the level. Using the touch screen, you can remove obstacles, cut ropes, tickle enemies to make them vulnerable, touch the Lums to collect to double their value, or even trace a path through cake. ! Mandatory in certain tailor-made courses, Murphy alone constitutes a considerable addition to the heart of the gameplay of the game. It constitutes an alternative to those who would be put off by the high pace of the adventure, opens up new possibilities in terms -design and above all allows two players with different experience to share a game without one or the other being penalized. And that's quite a feat in itself, especially when you know that Murphy can be used in 90% of the levels, at the whim of the user.
In the case of the solitary player, it is the AI that will take care of the progression of the main character through the level, for a frankly satisfactory result. But this is not the only novelty since with the universes developed in the game come new nuggets of gameplay which enrich the gaming experience. This is the case of the musical courses, highlighted during the promotion of the game, which Rayman must sprint and pace to a well-known track, such as Black Betty or Eye of The Tiger. collector. We can only underline the quality of the soundtrack, as was already the case in Rayman Origins of which we find the best pieces. Far from being a simple dressing, it is very often an ally of weight to find the rhythm of its movements through the levels. Another small feature that is making its debut, but which could very quickly become crucial, is the KungFoot mode. Based on browser games in which two football players return a ball using the rebounds of the decor to score, the latter is essential for evenings with friends.
Ubisoft does not care about you, since you will have two games in a single cake!"
Finally, the point on which Ubisoft particularly supported is the content of this Rayman Legends, which is simply colossal. If 10 to 15 hours of play should be enough for you to mercilessly cross the main levels, you will need much more to be able to put the title back on its shelf with a clear conscience. Each stage asks you to release all the Teensies it contains (there are three or ten of them) as well as to obtain the three cups by collecting as many Lum's as possible. These will allow you to unlock new characters (or rather variations of characters) among the dozens available; good luck unlocking the one with a million Lum's. In addition, gleaning the small yellow rings in the levels will allow you to obtain scratch tickets, thanks to which you can win more Lum's but also Creatures to collect and especially dozens of levels of Rayman Origins, reviewed, corrected and modified in depth to match the gameplay and graphics of this second episode. Yes, Ubisoft does not care about you, since you will have two games in a single cake! And if you manage to overcome all this, the Internet will take care of getting you back into business. Indeed, by connecting your console, you will be able to access two new events per week, but also two per day! Enough to continue playing until Christmas 2018, especially if you find friends to share the Kungfoot mode.