Until today, a Sim who went to his place of work became inaccessible to the player, who could only pick him up once the day's work was over. With The Sims 3: Ambitions, this state of affairs changes somewhat since "active" professions are appearing. Unlike the usual careers, which unfortunately continue to work in the classic way and do not benefit from these improvements, these professions do not take place in an office with closed doors. They lead our Sims to go out to meet many customers, in order to earn more and more money and improve their professional experience bar. Among the six new professions offered, that of ghost hunter is certainly the most iconoclastic. Equipped with paraphernalia that the famous Ghostbusters would not deny (suit stained with ectoplasmic remains, cannons allowing to banish and capture spirits...), this paranormal scientist is regularly called to the rescue by individuals invaded by ghosts. Once the places have been cleaned, it is advisable to go to the city of sciences in order to resell the spirits previously captured. In his spare time, the hunter can also scan the surroundings for hidden spirits. Graves in cemeteries are an excellent starting point for this activity. More prosaic, but just as courageous, the firefighter begins his working day at the barracks, where he must sympathize with his colleagues in order to strengthen team spirit, carry out maintenance on the "Pin-Pon 4000" truck and alarms , and improve athletic and DIY skills to prepare for emergencies. These never take long to arrive and, when the alarm sounds, it is necessary to go as quickly as possible to the scene of the disaster in order to obtain the best possible assessment. Once the fire has been contained using the fire hose or the victims of an earthquake have emerged from the debris, the hero of the day can calmly return to the barracks.
At the job center
Players a bit more perverse will opt instead for the profession of investigator which allows them to satisfy a lot of unmentionable fantasies, among which are hacking into computers, rummaging through garbage cans and inspecting the mail of other Sims. The goal of all these embezzlements remains noble since it is ultimately a question of solving cases on behalf of the police or desperate individuals. And the possibility of taking fingerprints or searching for clues with a magnifying glass will excite all budding Sherlock Holmes. As for the potential House Doctors, they will turn to the new profession of doctor, known as "active doctor". Inside the hospitals, it will be necessary to know how to make conversation with the directors of the establishment and the colleagues, while the visits outside will be the occasion to carry out multiple sessions of vaccination and other health acts. Finally, if you have an artistic streak, it is above all the professions of architectural designer and stylist that will interest you. Halfway between the architect and the interior designer, the former never ceases to renovate his clients' homes, while the latter takes care of their makeover via the "Create a Sim" interface. Some of these new activities require the presence of special buildings (barracks, beauty salon...) that can be easily found in the new town of Twinbrook. However, players who would like to resume a previously saved game can always place these specific buildings on free spaces in their district, in order to be able to serenely embrace these attractive careers as a firefighter or a stylist.
Until today, a Sim who went to his place of work became inaccessible to the player, who could only pick him up once the day's work was over. With The Sims 3: Ambitions, this state of affairs changes somewhat since “active” professions are appearing.
Beyond the purely professional aspect, The Sims 3: Ambitions also acquires two new skills: the sculpture of works of art (in different materials) and the invention (of crazy or revolutionary objects). The inventor, just like the sculptor wishing to work on metal, needs debris that they can recover from the scrapyard. This unique place is full of heaps of garbage, which we will therefore not fail to search meticulously. The town center of Twinbrook also has a depot-sale, which allows you to recover or get rid of many objects (sculptures, paintings, foodstuffs, etc.). A laundromat also makes an appearance, as the game now manages the laundry chore. Ideally, you will rather install a washing machine, a dryer and a laundry basket at home. When changing outfits, piles of dirty clothes will then appear. Once these clothes are washed and dried, Sims' happiness will increase significantly. Let's finish with the last notable improvement provided by this extension: a relatively advanced watermarking system. You can now decide which part of the body to tattoo (different areas of the back, arms, torso and ankles are available), change the colors of the chosen pattern as well as adjust its size or adjust its opacity. Enough to play with the virtual doll for many more hours!