By viewing Nahama's various keepsakes on the Rogue Legacy 2 Kerguelen plateau, you'll eventually unlock an optional quest called "Red Cases" which will ask you to discover Nahama's roost. If you succeed, you will be able to unlock a permanent damage buff (bonus) against the boss of this region.
In her diary, the Nahama Estuary indicates that "tonight she will quietly leave the village to seek a nook high above the edge of the cliff, a place where she can meditate in peace". To validate the quest “red cases”, you will therefore have to find his place of meditation. If you have trouble knowing where to look, we show you the location in this guide.
☆ Note – If you are still looking for the different powers / legacies of Rogue Legacy 2 and you have trouble locating certain places in the kingdom, we have what you need, a page that gathers information on the areas of the game and the powers to be found there. More info here: Rogue Legacy 2 Guide How To Access All Areas In The Game And Get All Powers.
Where is Nahama's perch to validate the "red business" quest in Rogue Legacy 2:
To reach his perch, note that you will first need to obtain the Aether Wings to unlock the double jump power (the heirloom statue that grants this power can also be found on the Kerguelen plateau). Once this is done, return to the entrance to the Kerguelen region. It is in this area that you can reach Nahama's perch which allowed him to meditate in peace! On the right of the teleporter, just a few steps, double jump as far and as high as possible to the right to reach the ledge on top of the rock face. Then do a double jump on the spot to reach a platform outside the limits of the map.

Now press the action key that normally opens the doors or reads a newspaper to consult Nahama's secret memory. You will validate his quest "red affairs" and unlock a permanent bonus that will allow you to inflict 15% additional damage when you face him at his throne on the Kerguelen plateau.